The Jack Phillips/Harold Bride picture


Inger don't tell me what I mean to say.

I said what I meant!

Oh? You really meant to say what you said in your original post, which was this:


I can't help but believe that so many books could be wrong.

If that is what you really meant to say, and not a typo, then it is a confession that you believe the books are wrong. I simply assumed it was a typo, and you meant to say 'right', because that is what you have been arguing. However, if you want to stick with what your originally posted, which is that you can't help but believe the books are wrong, be my guest.


You now seem to have an annoying habit of (copy and paste syndrome) with every one of my post to make sure you criticize any and all that I say here.

Actually, I'm doing you the courtesy of taking your arguments seriously and addressing them specifically rather than paraphrasing. It is a common convention on this board to address specific points, and helps keep focused on what people are actually debating rather than an interpretation of each person is saying.


The books state that the photo was taken on the dock of the Adriatic after the two signed on to go on the maiden voyage of the Titanic. It doesn't state they were working on the ship or that were even on the ship but just that they took the photo together on the dock.

And here's where this theory falls flat on its face. Let's go through this, shall we? The caption claims it was taken on board the Adriatic before the men were transferred to the Titanic.

Philips was not serving on board the Adriatic prior to his transfer to Titanic - he was on the Oceanic. The Oceanic was sailing out of Southampton at that time, the Adriatic was sailing out of Liverpool. Why, then, would these two men be on the Adriatic? And how do you propose Father Browne coincidently happened to be there to take the photo?

We can demonstrate that Browne was NOT in Liverpool, as we have quite a detailed record of his movements in getting from Queenstown to Southampton. Have a look at his bio on ET. I'll cite the pertinent section for you here:


In 1911 he began his theological studies at Milltown Park, Dublin. The year after, his uncle Robert bought him a ticket for a trip on the Titanic: from Southampton to Queenstown. On 4 April he received his first class ticket (No. 84, £4) as a cross channel passenger from White Star Agent James Scott & Co., Queenstown. To reach Southampton he travelled via Holyhead to London on 8 April. He probably spent the night on the train and the following one at his brother's, Dr. James Browne, an eye specialist, in London. On 10 April he left London at 9.45 am (according to other passengers at 8.0 am) on the "Titanic Special" to Southampton from Waterloo station. This train arrived at 11.30 am at Southampton.

So there's your proof: Father Browne was not in Liverpool to somehow miraculously capture Bride and Philips together on the deck of the Adriatic (a ship neither was serving aboard anyway).

Many thanks to those who have contributed in a constructive way to this discussion, and who have responded to the ad hominems Lucky has been throwing in the direction of some of those members, myself included. Your attempts to keep this debate on-track and away from the personal sledging is very much appreciated.​
The question is asked in the beginning post of what I think. I think the man in the picture is indeed Harold Bride because to me it looks like him...point blank. Not because I want it to be him as stated in the post above as I have nothing to gain by just wanting it to be him just for the sake of it. Unless you were there when the photo was taken it is just left to individual's opinion about it and that also goes for the initial meeting and/or if the two actually posed for the photo.
Neither of the gentlemen in the photo looks remotely like Harold Bride. This is Harold Bride.


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For the record I checked out some books and did some research and now I am 100% sure that the photo is indeed of Phillips and Bride without a doubt. It is in a book called TITANIC Triumph and Tragedy....second edition by John P. Eaton and Charles A. Haas and is located at the top left corner on page 63. Anyone wanting me to send it I would be glad to e-mail the scanned attachment and hope that you could see the document, if not you can find the book as I did, probably in your local main library. So Parks I may not believe my lunch dates from now on...Brides family seems to be misinformed. By the way Father Francis M. Browne does get credit for the photo. Inger I did see the real evidence in the book and it is a Non-fiction 352 page mountain of information packed with photos. This one states that the ships two wireless operators John (Jack) Phillips (left) and Harold Bride share a smoke on Adriatic's boat dock prior to their transfer to Titanic. P.S. They obviously met prior to the maiden voyage of the Titanic.
Let me guess, you're just trolling us. Am I right? Arguing just to get a reaction? Neither man in the photo is Harold Bride. Period. And yes, for what it's worth, I'm a family member.
It isn't. :) This is Harold Bride.
Let me guess, you're just trolling us. Am I right? Arguing just to get a reaction? Neither man in the photo is Harold Bride. Period. And yes, for what it's worth, I'm a family member.
You are fully correct. The picture is taken on-board the RMS Adriatic somewhere in Mid-1911 by Reverend Francis Patrick Mary Browne (1880-1960), who later traveled on-board the RMS Titanic as well. While the man on the left of the photograph is the future senior wireless operator of the Titanic, John "Jack" George Phillips who needs no introduction, the man on the right couldn't be your relative and future junior wireless operator of the Titanic, Harold Sydney Bride purely based on documentation of his service history prior to the Titanic.

Mr. Bride only served on the RMS Lusitania (1907), the SS La France (1910) and the SS Anselm (1905) after he completed his training in July 1911 and the Titanic was his first White Star Liner upon joining her in Belfast on the 1st of April.

May I say how wonderful it is to have a relative of such an important figure on this forum?
You are fully correct. The picture is taken on-board the RMS Adriatic somewhere in Mid-1911 by Reverend Francis Patrick Mary Browne (1880-1960), who later traveled on-board the RMS Titanic as well. While the man on the left of the photograph is the future senior wireless operator of the Titanic, John "Jack" George Phillips who needs no introduction, the man on the right couldn't be your relative and future junior wireless operator of the Titanic, Harold Sydney Bride purely based on documentation of his service history prior to the Titanic.

Mr. Bride only served on the RMS Lusitania (1907), the SS La France (1910) and the SS Anselm (1905) after he completed his training in July 1911 and the Titanic was his first White Star Liner upon joining her in Belfast on the 1st of April.

May I say how wonderful it is to have a relative of such an important figure on this forum?
Thank you, but I must admit my connection is rather remote-! My grandfather's cousin married Edwin Leslie Bride, Harold's brother. :) Still, as our branch of the family's amateur genealogist (there's one in every family, I suppose) I have kept quite a few Bride family photographs, including shots of Harold as a young boy and an older man.
Let me guess, you're just trolling us. Am I right? Arguing just to get a reaction?

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Personal attacks like this are not permitted here. Please be guided accordingly.

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Please note that the message being responded to is nearly 19 years old and its author is no longer a member here.
Moderator's hat on:

Personal attacks like this are not permitted here. Please be guided accordingly.

Moderator's hat off.

Please note that the message being responded to is nearly 19 years old and its author is no longer a member here.
Thank you. I apologize. Didn't mean for my joking tone to be taken seriously, but I see now that it was offensive. I will be more careful in future.
Thank you, but I must admit my connection is rather remote-! My grandfather's cousin married Edwin Leslie Bride, Harold's brother. :) Still, as our branch of the family's amateur genealogist (there's one in every family, I suppose) I have kept quite a few Bride family photographs, including shots of Harold as a young boy and an older man.
nice had you maybe other photos?