The Jack Phillips/Harold Bride picture


I was pointing out that I know San Diego as I have lived there for about thirteen years.

That doesn't explain why you placed the dinner with Parks in that specific area.


Having Dinner with Brides nephew is a little out of believability.

Why? Parks is one of the leading experts in the world on wireless technology of that era. He has written very well received articles on the subject, has been consulted for books, is working with a publisher towards a full-scale work on the subject, and has been interviewed for the making of documentaries. Have you seen the new Ghosts of the Abyss movie? Want to know whose hand it is you see working the wireless equipment? Not the actor who played Philips - that was Parks, a nice acknowledgement of the tremendous amount of work he had put in for his astonishing work on interpreting the data collated by Cameron's team during filming on the wreck. His work on reconstructing the 'silent room' has completely overturned our previous assumptions about this area of ship equipment.

My colleague, Jemma Hyder, has done a tremendous amount of work on wireless operators. She, too, has been in contact with George Sinclair, and can confirm his relationship with Bride. It is no wonder that this gentleman would seek to have contact with Parks, given his pre-eminence in the field.


Just because it is a relative saying it (If they truly did) does not make it so.

You are showing extraordinary discourtesy to Parks by insinuating he may be lying. It doesn't reflect at all upon him, but it reflects very badly on you. That aside, the statement by a member of the family, read in conjuction (not isolation) with the other evidence, is very powerful indeed. I'll take their view over your subjective opinion any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


As far as the court documentation goes Bride probably was telling the truth as Phillips and Bride met just before Titanic voyage. Pay attention to the details of my post.

I suggest you pay attention to several previous posts (and, as an aside, familiarise yourself with the nature of the evidence. This was not a 'court', it was testimony given under oath at an inquiry.)

The photo could not have been taken en route to the Titanic as suggested by you (or your girlfriend), for reasons that have already been explained to you.

1.) Both Browne's original caption and the erroneous Eaton & Haas caption state that it was taken aboard the Adriatic. Brown's correct caption, placing it on the Adriatic, takes us back to the previous year.

2.)Bride said that he had not met Philips before they met for the first time in Belfast upon joining the Titanic.

3.) The Adriatic was not in Belfast.

4.) Philips' previous berth was not the Adriatic. He spent the latter half of 1911 on the Adriatic, and in early 1912 joined the Oceanic. It was from the Oceanic that he joined the Titanic. The Eaton & Haas photo suggesting that they were enjoying a smoke before tranferring to the Titanic is clearly in error in light of this information and Bride's testimony.


Seems that some here get off track and end up all over the place. I will defend my stand on this unless the proof is not just a chance meeting or context that is taken out of place or what someone said as the tales as everyone knows get taller on down the line and change in the story telling the further it gets.

There is certainly obfuscation of the key facts here, and it's on your part. You simply will not accept the simple evidence that contradicts the Bride identification. This convoluted statement is an attempt to muddy the waters of what is essentially a very simple matter.


Instead of pointing out how it may not be told correctly just think of the possibilities that it very may well be.

You have yet to produce any primary sources suggesting that it 'very may well be' - in fact, the evidence overwhelmingly mitgates against it.


What's to say that is isn't's not that hard to see.

What's to say it isn't them?

Bride's testmony.
Browne's caption.
The Oceanic and Titanic agreements that prove the Adriatic was not his previous ship
The view of Bride's family that it is NOT him in the photo
And, finally, a complete lack of contemporary primary sources that suggest that it is him.


Some are just to bent on that it is not them to even consider that it very well may be. My research is not done and if it is the last thing I do ...I will prove my Theory. It is a picture and they speak louder than words. I see where it looks like Bride in that photo. That's just my opinion.

As you point out, that's just your opinion. It certainly differs from mine, and I've done a lot of work on the identification of figures in photographs of mercantile navy in that era. In other words, a perceived physical resemblance is a matter of personal opinion, highly subjective, and worthless as evidence. What's more, you're approaching this with completely the wrong methodology. Researchers and historians don't determine a position and then find evidence, which is what you're doing here. You've already decided that's Bride, you're ignoring the evidence presented to you that it isn't, and you announce that you're going to keep on going until you find some facts that you like!

As I've said before, you are entitled to believe what you like. If you want to believe that the moon is made of a calcium-rich dairy product, the Titanic was switched with the Olympic, and that a 'feeling' counts more towards historical truth than primary sources, then that's your prerogative. It says an awful lot about your grasp of history and this subject, however. And what it says isn't positive.​
Hear hear, Parks. I think one of the most distasteful aspects of this entire discussion has been the continued insinuations and downright attacks upon your credibility as a researcher and your veracity in reporting the result of your discussions with Bride's family.

Of course, as I said above, this attitude on the part of Lucky does nothing to diminish your credibility or standing on this subject. It does, however, reflect very badly on his/her own.
Ditto to what Parks and Inger have said in the last couple of posts. Lucky you have done one thing that I cannot stand in a researcher...trying to discredit someone for your own person gain of your theory. Like Inger said If Parks said he met with a relative of Bride, then he did! He is a very credible person in the Titanic community. Now if I stated that I met with a relative of Bride I could see if people questioned that!

You are fighting and uphill battle with Parks and Inger. Like Dave said.."Inger and Parks, who have shown you more consideration than I would, are extremely able researchers, who have seen more primary sources than you ever will. "

Also, you say that the picture looks like him...that is your only "proof." I took a hard look at the Browne picture and many pictures from that era of Bride and I don't think it really looks like him in the Browne picture. But it's just my opinion...

Lucky, speaking as one of the moderating team, I'll trouble you to click on The Forum Rules and read them thoroughly, and please understand that you will be held to them the same as anybody else. You're attacks on Park's integrity are way over the line of personal attack and I assure that my colleagues who have control over this folder will no longer tolerate them.
I really don't care who sides with who and who believes who! I have my own thoughts and opinions as all of you do. I don't agree with you as you obviously don't agree with me. Whether you had dinner with Brides relative in North County or not, is not for me to believe or not believe. It is good that all of you are such good friends and stick by each other. Inger as to the area of North Park, anyone familiar with the area knows that the Naval base and Hospital are just on the outskirts of the North Park/Hillcrest borders. The areas have no bad reputation just good people who know how to be themselves and proud of it. No one is slamming anyone here and I feel just as Parks or anyone does for that matter about being respected. There are two sides to a coin.
"You're attacks on Park's integrity are way over the line of personal attack and I assure that my colleagues who have control over this folder will no longer tolerate them."

Michael, I don't feel I have attacked anyone's integrity. I have stated very simply that I do not agree with some of the views of other members. I don't feel that because I don't believe every statement someone makes, regardless of their pull in the community, is attacking their integrity. I am not going to agree with what everyone says, as they are not going to agree with what I say. I am not mindless, and I like to draw my own conclusions. As far as I knew, these posts were for opinions based on research and belief.

I will say again, I feel nothing I have said was an attack on anyone's integrity. I am entitled to believe what I want, I have nothing but the utmost respect for Parks, but I do not base my beliefs on hear say. I don't personally know anyone in this room, so I will stick to the primary sources.

I don't feel I should be made to agree in order to be here. I don't think it's fair to be continually threatened because you misunderstand what I am saying and turn it into something attacking.

I mean really this has just turned into a dogpile against me. Because I don't agree with you and I don't accept what you say to be first-hand evidence I'm to be accused of attacking someone's integrity, threatened repeatedly, and not really given a chance to have my case heard with an open mind. We are totally past the point of hearing each other out. You feel everything I say is a personal attack and I feel I am not being heard. There is really no reason to further this debate, you have stopped showing any new evidence and have resorted to posting only attacks and threats upon me.

I don't feel adequate proof has been shown for me to believe that this photo is not Bride. I still believe it is Bride. I am sorry if this angers you, as it seems to, but I feel we are entitled to our own opinions based on research and fact.

The question in the beginning of this post is "what do you think?". I said what I think, you said what you think, and suddenly because you cannot force me into your way of thinking, I am an outcast - to be banned and exiled from the Titanic post. You win simply because my side of the matter is silenced. So if I am banned, then shall victory be won?
Just last week I watched a documentary on The History Channel in which Parks, himself, was interviewed as "Titanic Historian". He definetly knows what he's talking about. I am VERY impressed that he even graces us with his presence on this forum.
Why are ya'll even giving this guy (Lucky) the time of day.
-Susan Y. Leighton

I don't personally know anyone in this room, so I will stick to the primary sources.

In the rules that you have been requested to read, it is recommended that before jumping in you read a bit of the contents of the forum and get to know the personalities here. If you had taken the time to do some research, and if you had even an elementary knowledge of the Titanic research world, you would realise who Parks is and why he commands the respect here that he does. At any rate, you have not utilised any primary sources to date. The books you have cited are secondary sources. I recommend you go and brush up on both historiographical terminology and the application of the concepts it covers.


I will say again, I feel nothing I have said was an attack on anyone's integrity. I am entitled to believe what I want, I have nothing but the utmost respect for Parks, but I do not base my beliefs on hear say.

Go and have a look at the definition for 'hearsay'. Hearsay is 'rumour or gossip'. Parks' report of his conversation is neither. Parks was present, and he has provided a direct cite for his source - he has even gone so far as to name the specific individual from which he has derived this information. You will find that many of the sources upon which we base our research in Titanic circles are oral, and a good deal of information is derived from interviews etc. that researchers conduct with family members.

What is more you have indeed attacked Parks' integrity. You have repeatedly insinuated that he has lied or misrepresented his conversation with Sinclair.


I don't feel I should be made to agree in order to be here. I don't think it's fair to be continually threatened because you misunderstand what I am saying and turn it into something attacking.

You will not be 'made' to agree to anything. However, if you continue to posit theories based on nothing more substantial than a secondary source, in contradiction to primary sources, you can expect to find that others will disagree with you. And you have not been threatened - you have been warned. Three times now, by two moderators. If you continue in this vein, action will be taken. This is a moderated forum, and in signing up you agree to participate according to the rules that have been laid down.

The reason you have failed to win support for your theory is that it a.) lacks corroborating historical detail and b.) it is contradicted by the extant primary sources. There is no agenda on the part of the ET membership - had any individual, including Parks, myself, or anyone who has posted in this thread put forward a similarly baseless hypothesis that was contradicted by the evidence, other members of the forum would have responded by pointing this out. Had we persisted in spite of evidence to keep blindly insisting that we were right, and then accused everyone else of being closed minded, we would have received a very cold reception indeed.

To suggest that there is an agenda against you, when you have have behaved in a manner violating the rules of debate on this forum and posting in an offensive and inflammatory manner, adds insult to the original injury.​
All of the above aside- I suspect this photo in contension might be enlarged, especially the facial features, and given to an individual trained in such matters of photo identification. With a reputable photo of Bride existing, and usable for comparison in areas of bone structure, feature measurements, etc., this is a piece of cake for the pro. Facial measurements can be almost as individual as fingerprints, right down to the earlobe configuration. There was just such a programme about forensics departments of major city police forces-which have captured criminals by matching up photographic evidence. If anyone out there has a connection- I say copy the photos and go for it! Computers have made facial reference point comparisons a regular science, with amazing accuracy. I should love to have it be Bride.
"Facial measurements can be almost as individual as fingerprints, right down to the earlobe configuration."

Would you believe I've already done something like this with the photo in controversy, and I can tell you that the earlobes of Bride and the unidentified man in the Adriatic photo don't quite match up? In a way, one could almost make a case for this man being Bride (there are some slight physical resemblances)...and yet, the ears don't match up. Make of that what you will...

"I don't personally know anyone in this room, so I will stick to the primary sources."

Well, I don't exactly personally know anyone here either, but I know instinctually when good research counts as good research.
G'day Shelley!


I should love to have it be Bride.

Yes, it would be nice to have a photo of the two wireless operators together. I know I was disappointed when this came up for discussion years ago and the evidence against it being the two men was put forward. It's rather like the photograph of the Olympic officers masquerading as the men on the Titanic's Bridge - I would very much like to see a photo of all of them assembled, and it was disappointing to pull it all together and establish definitively who they were (as an aside, I note that in a post above I have Holehouse down as a misidentified Moody - my fault for writing in haste. Holehouse was of course misidentified as Lowe - it was Tulloch who was lobbed with the Moody i.d.

Photographic analysis would indeed be one way of establishing the truth. Just looking at photos of Bride and this operator (chin, breadth of cheekbones, set of the eyes etc) the two look to me to be distinctly different, but of course I'm a layperson. Until such time as an analysis could be done, we can only go on the documentary evidence extant - and that mitigates against this being Bride (unless, of course, we decide Bride was a fibber...and the two happened to be together on the Adriatic in 1911, Bride presumably just visiting as he was not posted aboard her...!).​
Hi all--

Might I humbly suggest that further posts from Lucky on this subject be ignored? I'm not trying to blame anyone or speak out of place; I just don't want this to escalate any further than it already has, into an all-out flame war.

It has been my experience that Parks and Inger are both very capable and dedicated researchers in the field and have done more than I could ever hope to match. It disappoints me to see them being insulted like this.

-Allison L., hoping she hasn't angered anyone
Sounds intriguing Kritina! With the state of the art computer tools, caliper measurements- distinguishing marks (like enlarged pores, direction of hair whorls, freckles and moles, etc.),can be charted and two pictures can be overlayed for comparison. Since these 2 photos are of about the same vintage of the subject, it should be easy. I learned that age, illness, weight gain, and many other factors can alter facial markers-but that is not the case here. Intuition and hunches can pay off sometimes, but the research I admire the most is the careful, scientific, and unemotional type -executed by one with no particular bias or interest in the subject being examined!
I second that...then I would know that a trained expert made the proof. That would be the evidence that would sway my mind at this time. Definition: Hearsay is just word of mouth Inger...not hard evidence such as print in countless books, which at this time have been many as I have checked out even more from a different library. Every book with that photo in it claims the same and that is...the photo is of Phillips and Bride. Next on my list is The Marconi books (if there is any) and anything by Father Francis M. Brown and I was told there is no known books by him. I am scoping everything in print that I could find. I just have to say (sigh) I can't seem to even find anything that differs from the caption of the photo being that of Phillips and Bride. It's everywhere and I can't help but believe that so many books could be wrong.

Definition: Hearsay is just word of mouth Inger...not hard evidence such as print in countless books

In this instance, a reputable researcher has reported an opinion conveyed to him by a member of the family. Are you doubting that this information was relayed to Parks by the Bride family? What is more, secondary sources - such as books - are not 'hard' evidence. 'Hard' evidence comes from primary sources. An analysis of the photograph, for example, would be 'hard' evidence, as it centres around a primary source - the photograph itself. The testimony of Bride himself is 'hard' evidence.

Books are no better than the sources they are based upon. They convey a sense of authority because they are in print, but this can be highly misleading. Would you care to cite these 'countless' books that identify this as Bride? As Dave has pointed out, it is extremely common in Titanic literature for publishers to recycle material from other works without checking their sources first.


Next on my list is The Marconi books (if there is any)

There are books both about Marconi himself and the development of the company, as a search on-line should reveal. You may want to start with the official Marconi site, MarconiCalling. On it you will find the Adriatic photo of Philips and the other unidentified Marconi under discussion in this thread. Only Philips is identified in the caption to this photo on the Marconi site, as the Marconi researchers who compiled it realised that the other man is not Bride.

Father Francis M. Brown and I was told there is no known books by him.

Father Francis Browne was a reknowned photographer, famed for his work even outside the Titanic connection, and compilations of his work in book form have been published widely. Wolfhound Press has a range of titles dealing with his work: These include 'Father Browne's Titanic', 'Father Browne's Ships and Shipping', 'Father Browne's England', 'Father Browne's Australia', 'Father Browne's Cork' etc etc. If you want a primary published source in print, go to 'Father Browne's Titanic'. It is there you will find the original caption - with no mention of Bride at all.


I can't seem to even find anything that differs from the caption of the photo being that of Phillips and Bride. It's everywhere and I can't help but believe that so many books could be wrong.

I'm assuming that this is a typo and you mean to say that you can't help but believe so many books could be right! You don't need to go very far to find a different caption - no further, in fact than the original caption that Browne gave it! Also check out the official Marconi website. And the Commutator article explaining the erroneous identification. And if you have trouble believing so many books can be wrong...shall I start listing how many books have got the caption wrong on the Titanic's officers? They range from the highly reputable Titanic: An Illustrated History all the way through to dodgy books like Thresh's, and everything in between. It is actually very common for an erroneous caption to be repeated in multiple secondary sources. This is what happens when you don't go back to primary sources - errors get perpetuated. This is what has happened here. If only people had stuck to Father Browne's original caption and not felt the need to embroider, we wouldn't have this confusion today.​