The Ship That Never Sank

Mike, I'm tempted to do just that. The trouble is that if I do that, it looks like we've all been co-opted by (insert terrified scream here) "The Conspiracy." -
So long as any further discussion remains civil, I'll leave it alone. I'd comment on how much I agree with Alicia's putting Titanic Conspiracy books at the bottom of the list (And better yet, the birdcage!) but then "THEY" might come for me in those "Black Helicoptors."
Parks said:
>>I get paid to install combat systems aboard ships, not to do peoples' Titanic research for them. >>

You could just choose not to respond instead of fueling the debate with comments like that.

Let me take that a step further, since you didn't consider my remarks in context. I have spent a good deal of my time, and given specific examples, to rebut the argument that has surfaced yet again in this thread. I don't mind doing that, if people will listen to what I have said. But when, for example, this same argument comes up again and again without any acknowledgement of the work that I put into answering it, then my patience runs out.

It's not that I feel that I have to be right, but when I give concrete examples, only to be told later that there is no concrete evidence, to refute the assertion, then I say the things I say out of frustration. This happens one too many times and the forum loses another knowledgeable historian who feels that the effort is not worth the agony. Think of the members -- fine historians all -- who have left, or otherwise stopped participating in, the forum...a good many left for just this reason.

People have to understand that there are some very knowledgeable historians in this forum who are willing to help as much as possible. However, one soon learns that if you say something once, you have to repeat it a hundred times for the benefit of those who don't bother to read what has been discussed about the very same topic before. Like I said, I don't mind saying something once or twice, but to have to repeat it over and over again...well, that takes up too much time and this is not a paying job.

Yes, I'm sure that my post was insulting to a certain extent. That was on purpose, because the initial post was insulting. Why did I take the time -- in this very same forum -- to pass on knowledge that I have gained through my experiences? It's like all that work was in vain.

Why did they do that?

Because of this.

Why did they do that?

Because of this.

Why did they do that?

Because of this.

See what I mean?

Well Parks, Titanic's wireless euipment was just some sparky-sparky thing 'wot had gone 'CQD' before I came here and read your posts on it, but now I know what all the various bits and pieces were called, and where they were installed etc etc, so I've listened, and learnt, from you. Thank you.

Re. this particular thorny little topic, you've better summed up the kind of exasperation I was originally trying to express here; that this has all been said before, over and over, yet here we are again.

I know that you are a dedicated Titanic researcher and I think everybody else here knows that and respects it too. This thread was intentially started to create controversy and if the profile is accurate, it was done by a teenager (age 15). No amount of research can change the opinions of some teenagers. It is a wasted effort and I don't want to see you waste your effort on newcomers who have NO intention of doing any homework and who think "The Titanic Inquiry Project" is something they saw on MTV.
I know you probably feel like you have to set the record straight when it comes to a flagrant disregard for the facts, but I think most people look at the "23 original observations" stated above and get a really good chuckle at how ridiculous they are. Quite frankly they are so far off base that one doesn't know whether to laugh or cry. They are so far off base that they can make one's blood boil. I had to consider the source and just be grateful there are people like you who have actually done primary research and really can set the record straight.
I hope I didn't offend you by taking your words out of context. I do respect and appreciate the research you freely share on this website.

Perhaps we should give Jamie a break here? He might just have an inquiring mind, wanting to know a bit more about the controversy. Perhaps he hasn't been on here long and doesn't know about the search facilities? I don't think he posted the message to inflame people, just to learn more from those who do know more that he does.

After all, we were in his position many years ago.

Please, everyone, lets calm down here. Please?
To be honest, I hadn't checked Jamie's profile when I posted. I try not to...I don't care if someone is 15 or 60, man or woman, mariner or layperson. I judge a person by their stated assertions. There are obvious drawbacks to this philosophy (no more obvious than in this thread), but I like to think that I give everyone fair and due consideration, without bias.

Since Jamie's age has been brought up, though, I have to say that I demand no more of him than I do of my 12-year-old son when I help him with his History homework. For a learning mind (or even a learned mind), any printed source can appear to be authoritative. What I constantly preach to my son is to never take any single source as the definitive account of what happened during any historical event, especially if the source is sensational or leaves questions unanswered. And, when discussing potentially controversial topics with others, don't encourage confrontation by alluding to opposing viewpoints as "stupid," "inane," "foolish," etc.

This happens all too often on E-T, unfortunately. A current discussion in the Lusitania books thread is another recent example. After having been hammered in other threads by those who wish to ram their point through in almost total disregard of evidence, my patience is not what it should be. I do not think ill of Jamie and I'm not even angry by the appearance of yet another Olympic-Titanic switch thread. What is irritating me right now is much larger than that.

What motivated me to post at this particular time, what stung me the most, was the assertion: ...the 401 evidence is not as concrete as previously thought. Throughout the entire course of debate on the switch theory, I have tried to bring forward very concrete examples to rebut the theory. I don't mind if someone wants to dispute those examples, but to post the same assertion that is totally oblivious to the arguments I have put forward in the past? It's like fighting a matter how many figurative heads I cut off, more grow in their place. At some point, the effort is too demanding and I am forced to give in and concede defeat. But, why? Was I wrong? No, just overwhlemed. It's frustrating.

There are some well-known names who used to post here, but do so no longer. Privately, I implore them to rejoin the debate, but they say that it's no longer worth the effort. It used to be that I didn't understand why, for all their expertise, they would shy away from I am beginning to feel that way myself. I don't want to withdraw completely from participation, but more often than not, I do. With everything that I have going on in my life, I can't afford the time to speak but not be heard. This is the basis for my comment about not being paid to help others with their research.

Please do not take those last few sentences to mean that I feel that I am right all the time, or that I feel that others must listen to what I have to say. That's not the case at all. But when I have argued a point, only to see the argument come up again as if I had never said anything at all, then I begin to wonder if I have gained anything by participating.

What it comes down to is my view, when one throws an assertion out onto the playing field, one should be aware of what has been said on the topic -- at the very least, in the same forum in which the assertion is being posted -- beforehand. It's not just Jamie that did this...if I hadn't battled this same problem a hundred times over before today, I wouldn't have been so short in this thread. Regardless, this is a fact of Internet life and my concern is real. That's why I try to teach this lesson to my son and why I was so forceful in my response today: If everyone took just a little extra time to answer their own questions and/or nagging doubts before throwing an assertion out as challenge to others, we would all advance our knowledge considerably.

I do Titanic research on my own free time so that I can satisfy my own personal desire to get to the truth behind the myth. Along the way, I have been attracted to many theories and have been disappointed many times to find that certain theories were created for cynical reasons. I do not wish for others to fall into the same pits that I have, so I freely share my knowledge whenever I can to help others in their quest for their own truth. Many times, my offer is rebuffed, but that does not particularly trouble me. What leads to irritation is when I keep having to revisit a topic, just to reiterate something that I have already said many times before. It's irritating, because it keeps me from working on something else that is more important. Why do I come back, then? Because, hidden behind the snarling face is a sincere desire to help wherever I can.

I have no intention of shutting Jamie down. I do hope that he will pursue the topic more, with the help of some things said in this thread. I don't want to shape his conclusions, but I do want him to know that his conclusion, as of his post of this morning, is not a fully informed one.

Having said that, I have run out of time to continue this post. I hope that I have explained my actions; if not, I can write more later.

Jamie, I don't think it's advisable to set 'homework' for the members of this board, some of whom are very familiar with these arguments and have seen them addressed years ago. And before suggesting it is 'foolish' to dismiss Gardiner, it might be worth considering that we do so on excellent grounds.

1)The well known (to some of you) James A Fenton, alias "Paddy the Pig", who in the early 1970s, hinted how the loss of the Titanic was not entirely accidental.​

Please provide your specific source and the exact wording of this claim, and why he is a credible witness.​
Against this, we have the fact that, as far as is known, no one - any where, at any time - involved in this purported cover-up can be demonstrated to have said that these ships were switched. This includes all the Harland & Wolff employees who were supposedly involved.​
2)J.P. Morgan had the power to influence governments, not least the British Government due to aid in the Crimean War.​

Provide specific evidence that Morgan influenced any government in this instance, and to what extent. Then try to demonstrate that he was engaged in this specific conspiracy.​
3) The turbine engine was not used during Olympic's voyage from Southampton to Belfast following the Hawke incident, telling us that the engine was damaged in some way, and inoperative. Also the damage inflicted on the liner extended far deeper than the 8 feet usually accepted.​

Gardiner's allegations on the extend of the damage have been discussed and debunked elsewhere, by folks who have made extensive use of the original source materials.​
4) By the time Olympic had made the voyage from Southampton to Belfast, the after compartment had filled with water despite 2 weeks of emergency repairs that had been intended to prevent such an occurrence.​

Primary source beyond Gardiner's questionable use of evidence? The failure of a repair job does not provide evidence for more extensive, overly expensive damage.​
5) The White Star Line was quite capable of keeping large secrets, for large periods of time, even to the extent of stopping witnesses spreading word of what had happened.​

Where, precisely, is your (or Gardiner's) evidence for this claim? Where is the evidence that it did so in relation to the switch theory? Specific cites, please.​
6) Not only was Titanic on fire when she reached Southampton, but instead of putting that fire out her officers allowed more coal to be put into the bunker, stoking it up.​

The evidence is that the coal fire was managed according to common practice at the time. Why would they be 'stoking it up' and yet later attempted to combat it? How does this tie into the conspiracy theory?​
7) There were still civillian workmen aboard and there was so much work to do to complete the ship that she could not be opened to the public.​

How is this relevant to your argument? This is entirely explicable - it was well known that the Titanic's fitting out was behind schedule. Her officers wrote freely from Southampton about it to their families. What exactly is being alleged here, and why? How does this support the conspiracy theory?​
8)While Olympic underwent two full days of trials before being handed over to her new owners, Titanic's trials only lasted several hours, most of which was just cruising.​

Again - entirely explicable, and not untoward. Stephen Cameron is a good source on this.​
9) J.P. Morgan cancelled his passage on Titanic, his ill health excuse has since been disproved.​

Again - explicable. One of my father's old cronies goes sailing with a Morgan descendant on Chesapeake Bay - and according to what he has said, Morgan was indeed with his mistress. Obviously Morgan had his mind on other things at the time.​
10) A lack of ceremony for the completed Titanic, unlike her sister.​

What form of 'ceremony', and where was the lack? This was the second ship in her class - can you, or Gardiner, demonstrate that this was unusual? And - again - why does this fit into the theory? If the WSL was trying to cover something up, they'd be keen on following keeping appearances as normal as possible.​
11)The ship had a persistent list to port throughout the voyage.​

Discussed elsewhere on this board at some length, and various explanations not involving dire conspiracy have been put forward.​
12)Contrary to company standing orders, Titanic was on the Autumn Southern track, to the north of the usual one.​

The Titanic's track has been discussed at great length, and no such discrepency has been flagged - whatever Gardiner might say.​
13)Despite many ice warnings, the ship increased in speed daily.​

Gardiner doesn't seem overly aware of the practices at the time.​
14) Incredible as it seems, although the forces involved are similar to the vessel being struck by a broadside from a battleship, the collision passes unnoticed by most aboard.​

This statement ignores both the eyewitness evidence and the nature of the collision. Many on board noticed the collision - Nellie Walcroft, for example, said she was nearly thrown from her bunk. It is absurd to say that it was like being struck by a broadside - this analogy for the nature of the impact is very misleading.​
15) During the collision, the watertight integrity of the fireman's passage, deep within the ship, is breached, arguing that something harder than ice had penetrated the hull.​

Is this going into Gardiner's theory that there was another ship that caused the impact damage?​
16) Although it was immediately obvious, it was 45mins before the passengers were given any warning of danger.​

Can you please provide the evidence for this timeline? I would dispute the 'immediately obvious' to start with (presumably you mean it was 'immediately obvious' that the ship was damaged) - Boxhall's initial investigation, for example, did not reveal the damage.​
17) QM Rowe reported seeing boats in the water, before any were even swung out!​

Anomolous eyewitness testimony is what conspiracy theories thrive on, disregarding the fact that it is often confused and innacurate. For an extraordinary claim such as this, I'd expect to see corroboration. Where is it?​
18) Titanic sent up red, white and blue signals, instead of recognised white ones.​

Gardiner needs to do his research into what were regulation distress rockets (and what rockets the Titanic fired).​
19) Only white rockets were seen by the Californian.​

Which is what the Titanic fired.​
20)Captain Lord frequently asked his crew for signs of red or blue signals.​

Where is the evidence that he 'frequently' asked his crew for signs of red or blue signals? There was a query as to what colour the rockets were, but to suggest that Lord was conducting an ongoing series of questions on this point is a distortion of the evidence.​
21)At least one of Titanic's lifeboats had more than one number on it.​

Please provide a cite for this.​
22)Lowe picked up many survivors from life rafts, Titanic did not carry such equipment. This goes with the fact that many crew members who registered on Carpathia, did not register with Titanic .​

I've read this claim by Gardiner before, and I consider it the most absolute pile of rubbish I've ever read. Gardiner has taken Scarrott's description of collapsible A as a 'raft' and added a whole new boat to the equation. Again, an anomolous piece of evidence (in this case a descriptive term) twisted to suit a new purpose. Where are the people who were allegedly on this raft? Can you name a single individual? Why did Lowe, in all his accounts (and I have two that were never published) only refer to the rescue of the occupants of A? Why do the other crewman only refer to the rescue of the people on the collapsible? Where is the evidence for Gardiner's claim about the 'raft'?​
23) several reports of mysterious vessels nearby.​

Which particular vessel does Gardiner find inexplicable? And why? There were many ships out there that night.​
there are also many others which contribute to make ruling out such a switch, foolish.​

I think it would be 'foolish' in the extreme to take any of Gardiner's points on face value, and I think it would be foolish in the extreme to credit a man who so blatantly distorts history and peddles half-truths and misleading 'evidence' to support a re-writing of the evidence.​
I will include more info as replies to any queries you will most probably have, but as "homework" i suggest you look at Olumpic pics post-Titanic, pre 1914. Compare these pics with pre-Titanic Olympic pics. Look at the forecastle deck porthole arrangement on the starboard side. Compare it with Titanic in the same position. The results left me amazed.​

As "homework' I suggest you critically reappraise the 'evidence' given by Gardiner, and familiarise yourself with the extent of the differences between the two ships, which go far deeper than the fairly cosmetic discrepencies Gardiner describes.​
Then look at Gardiner's misuse and distortion of evidence - his claims about the crew taking the ship from Belfast, his use of Wilde's letter to his sister, and his complete failure to address obvious problems with his theory. To suggest that the many crewmen and women who had served on the Olympic would not have noticed they were back on the Olympic is the height of absurdity ('Look! Isn't it odd that there's a stain there on the wall that's exactly the same as on the Olympic!). That no one later breathed spilled the beans - either crew or workman - makes it laughable on a grand scale.​
Before any of you say it, the 401 evidence is not as concrete as previously thought.​

Talk to Parks - or Bill Sauder - about how concrete this evidence is. Recent expeditions to the wreck have revealed that it is far more extensive than merely a prop blade.​
Now, perhaps, you'd like to answer a few points raised by researchers who specialise in the technical field? These include (and I paraphrase):​
The wing cabs on both sides of the forward superstructure are different. The Olympic's were flush with the sides. The Titanic's extended over the sides by two feet. The Olympic's were not upgraded until her 1912 - 1913 refit.​
The Olympic's grand staircase dome cover, forward of the seocnd funnel, had a series of portholes or sidelights installed on all four sides of the structure. Along with the sidelights were devices to enclose the windows to protect them from weather. The Titanic never had these sidelights and retractable devices - her dome cover was plain with only two sidelights.​
The Olympic's docking bridge did not extend over the sides of the hull, but ended at the supports on each side. The Titanic's docking bridge exteded over the sides of the hull.​
Look at the sides of the hull on C deck. There were both large and a number of small portals, where the lavatories were located. On the Olympic there are only single small portholes situated in the line of large portholes. On the Titanic, wherever there is one small porthole, there is also a second. This was never changed on the Olympic. A set of these small portholes is on the 'big piece'.​
The gangway entrance doors to first class on D deck are different - the Olympic's doors had round portals, the Titanic's had rectangular ones. These are visible on the wreck today.​
Bruce Beveridge has pointed out that:​
The doublers surrounding the side anchors of the Olympic and Titanic were different. The Olympic had an overlapping strake just forward of the anchor hawse pipe, while the Titanic had a smooth transition to the strakes. This difference in doublers remained consistent throughout the Olympic's career.​

From both a human angle (Gardiner is accusing men like Andrews, Lowe, Moody, Murdoch etc of being deeply involved in this conspiracy, not to mention many unnamed crewen and H&W employees)​
and a technical angle (the differences between the ships that remained consistant, the 401 evidence) this theory is so implausible as to be absurd. It can very safely be dismissed - and deplored - as a pollution of the historical record.​
Excuse me Miss/Mrs Leighton that's not get personal, i may be a 15 year old, but I asure you I am not a stereotypical MTV worshipping teenager. Far from it!

Also if you read my post i never once said that i believed Mr Gardiner, just that his theories make sense & Inger, the points, word for word, were directly from Gardiner himself, so refer to him for sources.

When i first added my post, i wanted to put forward Gardiner's ideas in hope that some of you would disprove them. Particularly Michael & Inger.
Though since no one really has without asking another question, i shall have to put forward more of Gardiner's ideas, NOT MINE. After all Titanic is a biblical and religious topic to me, i would hate this perception that i have of her to be shattered by Mr Gardiner's theories.

So without further or do, Titanic fired red, white and blue distress signals, not just white ones (many eyewitness accounts)
With the 401 story:

In an amazingly clear photograph, which appears in the companion book to the IMAX film, the thrust face of a starboard propellar blade is shown in relative close-up. Just visible in the centre of the blade are what appears to be the numerals 01, which have been taken to be a partially obliterated 401, Titanic's build number, but there is absolutely no sign of the missing 4.

In reality the 01, which appears on the propellar blade can be nothing more than marine growth or corrosion. The propellars on these ships did not have the vessel's build number incised, stamped or cast into their thrust faces.

In photographs taken at the time of Olympic's propellar replacement following the Hawke incident the blades are clearly marked S1, S2 and S3. However, these markings, which seem to be cast into the propeelar blades, appear close to wherethey are attached to the hub, not in the centre of the thrust face.
Photographs of Olympic's propellars, taken while she was under construction plainly show the number 400 stenciled on the reverse side of the blades. Obviously these parts were so marked for construction purposes as the numbers in Olympic's pictures would have been erased almost immediately the propellars began to revolve under water.
Had the number 01 actually been all that remained of 401, cut into the blade, then we would have another piece of solid evidence which refers to a "switch". According to H&W , Olympic's starboard propeller was exchanged for Titanic's following the Hawke collision. A spare was fitted to Titanic and unquestionably spares could not be given a specific build number as they might be required by any of the class.

Some anomalies have appeared in the thousands of still photos and hours of video film of the wreck. What seems to be white paint shows in various places on the hull where the top coat of black has flaked, or been scraped away. Titanic's hull was never painted white, but Olympic's was for her launch, so that photographers could see her more clearly at her launch.

There also appears to be red lead paint around the bases of brass or bronze instruments where they are bolted to the steel of the deck. While this was a sensible precaution against any electrolytic reaction between the ferrous and non-ferrous metals, it has long been believed that red lead was only used on Olympic, while white lead served the same purpose on her sister.

H&W claim that the ship's names were incised into the steel plating on both sides of the bow of Olympic and Titanic. The good old French diving team scraped away the rust and paint on the bow of the wreck in an effort to revel the name incised there. To some extent they were successful and they filmed what they discovered. The video shows part of the ship's name in raised letters that appear to be stuck to the plating. Some of them seemed to have dropped off; something that is patently impossible with incised letters. Nonetheless the complete name is not visible. What is visible are the letters 'M' and 'P' that seem to have been overwritten with the raised lettering. There is no 'M' or 'P' in the name 'Titanic'.

Thanks to the Canadians, Russians and you Americans, a fairly extensive film archive exists, and this archive is continually being added to. You can disprove eyewitnesses and accounts, but ask any coroner, you cannot disprove forensic evidence.

Some of Gardiner's claims represent the meaning of words which the moderators would not be happy with me for using.

These include:

The Titanic hit a ship not iceberg, due to no damage being sustained by the over-hanging lifeboat.

The Californian saw this ship's white only flares, not Titanics coloured ones.

The Californian was on standby waiting to pick up passengers from Titanic, her engines were on standby all night, as ordered by Lord.

This aside i hope that some of you can disprove Gardiner, i have disproved some myself, but the wreck evidence must surely give Gardiner 'Match Point'.

With Regards

Funnily enough, I have just read an article on the Titanic mailing list about the ship's name on the port bow. The French did clean the rust off, (apparently!) to photograph the name, and in doing so, removed a steel hawser that was supporting the crows nest. When the hawser was cut, the crows nest collapsed. According to the post (by Roy Mengot, who has seen the video in question), the complete name was visible, except for the letter "I" which couldn't be discerned.

best wishes


Jamie, if you check the threads I posted those links to, and search out the others that I couldn't find, (They're out there, but I don't have time to sniff them all out.) you'll find that a lot of these so-called points have been discussed and refuted many times.

As to "asking" Gardiner for his sources, you'll find that this is one of the big problems as he's notorious for making claims without identifying sources, or using them way out of context. The wreck evidence, far from giving Gardiner "Match point" positively disprove the claims he made as the ship that lies on the bottom is Titanic as she was in 1912, and includes features which wouldn't be seen on the Olympic...if at all...until 1912.

The foundation for the flat faced bulkhead seperating the wheelhouse is an example. The Olympic's was curved.

There is also the internal layout of the ship to consider, especially the extra staterooms added to B deck which didn't exist on the Olympic, and which would take literally months to reconfigure in a time and labour intensive (Read that to mean "expensive") operation. Since the basis of Gardiner's assertion is that the name of the game was an insurance scam, spending tons of money...which a major refit would involve to make one ship look like another...makes no sense whatever and could hardly be carried out in secrecy. Especially in a time of labour unrest and union activism where the activist would dearly love to get something over on "The Big Boys."

It's also utterly unnesseccery as all you need for a really good insurance scam is the constructive total loss of the vessel. This would have been all too easy to arrange in the middle of the night using one man, a can of petrol, and a few matches.

And for the record, the reason the Californian saw white rockets was because that was what Titanic fired. There were no red, white, and blue flares or rockets fired that night. Only white ones. You may wish to start reading the Inquires Themselves for more.

I can't go into this further right now as I have to get ready for work, but suffice to say that this whole ship switch nonsense has been an irritant to the Titanic Community in general and techies in particular for nearly two decades. All the more so I pointed out earlier...Gardiner and Vand Der Tat themselves state explicitelyin their first book that it didn't happen. That Gardiner continues to push it after that isn't just a mistake, it's blatant academic and historical fraud.
Jamie, you come up here and call people "ruling out such a switch foolish" (!) (quote). I find this rude and very unappropriate. Even if you had only the slightest proof for "your" statements, which is obviously not the case since you run and hide at the very first confrontation with Ingers logical arguments and tell her to ask Gardiner, this would still not be appropriate language. It was you calling us "foolish" if we don't believe in this ridiculous switching-theory, not Gardiner so you should find a few arguments on your own.

Furthermore I don't intend to do any kind of "homework" that you give. And it's also not common to give this kind of orders here. As for me I'm out of school. And there are people on this board who have done far more than their "homework". Those are serious researchers whose knowledge does not result from reading any 5th class books.

Everybody on this board is open minded and will kindly help with any question if it is asked adequately and especially if asked by someone new on the board. But you have been given lots of hints and links to older threads where your questions have been discussed in great length and you simply ignore them. So you mustn't wonder if board members find your postings in this thread somewhat provoking.
<font color="#000066">Some anomalies have appeared in the thousands of still photos and hours of video film of the wreck.

In the hours that I have spent studying the unedited wreck footage from the 2001 expedition, I have seen nothing that would make me believe that the wreck on the bottom of the ocean used to be Olympic. On the contrary, the wreck holds plenty of evidence that proves its identity as Titanic.

I'm going to reiterate some (but not all) points once more, then I'm done with this topic.

<font color="#000066">Also the layouts of B Deck on both ships were different, with full promenades on both sides on the Olympic, but cabins on Titanic. Yet as she sank, many passengers report being able to see the lifeboats on B-Deck from the Promenade.

Jamie, did you watch the 1997 film, "Titanic?" The 2003 documentary, "Ghosts of the Abyss?" In both, you will see footage from the wreck of the B-deck staterooms that Titanic had, but Olympic never did, as evidenced in photographs taken of Olympic in both 1911 and post-1912. If you do not have access to either film, the upcoming issue of the THS Commutator has a number of pictures of one of these B-deck staterooms; specifically, Ismay's.

You might want to find out where those passengers who reported seeing boats from the B-deck promenade were standing, if their report (or the report of their report) is accurate.

Bottom of Olympic in 1911 and post-1912 show no change to the B-deck promenade arrangement. The wreck on the bottom of the ocean has a vastly different physical arrangement, one that matches photographs taken of Titanic.

Michael described the curved front of the wheelhouse, so no need to go into that more here. Suffice it to say that the flat front of Titanic's wheelhouse is quite evident in the wreck (also shown in GotA).

My pet project is Titanic's Marconi Room. Olympic's Marconi Room was located on the port side of the Officers' Quarters. Not only do 1911 photographs show the window that looked out on Boat Deck, but pictures of Olympic's roof show the Bradfield insulator right where one would expect it to be...on the port side of the roof, directly over the Marconi Silent Room. Titanic's Marconi Room was located in a different area entirely...centreline of the ship, just forward of the elevator machinery room. I have spent so much time studying the hour's worth of wreck footage that Cameron shot in that area in 2001 that I could walk it blindfolded today (assuming that I survived the ocean's pressure and lack of oxygen). The Marconi Room located in the wreck exactly matches the photograph that Browne took in 1912 and does not match the photo that Browne took in Olympic in 1911.

Here's where it really gets interesting. The marine telegraph station seen in the wreck is the only one, out of maybe 20 that I have been able to find pictures of (the extent of the Marconi Company archives), that had the AC/DC double-panel switchboard and field regulators in the Silent Room. Guess what's missing in Browne's double-exposure photograph of Tiatnic's Marconi Room? The switchboard and regulators. In every other ship, and especially Olympic, the switchboards and regulators are in the Marconi Room. Even when Olympic's Marconi Room was moved to centreline (the same space that Titanic's had occupied) during her 1913 refit, the switchboards and regulators were mounted in the Marconi Room.

Bottom line...the physical layout of the Marconi and Silent Rooms seen in the wreck does not match either 1911 or post-1912 photos of Olympic's Marconi and Silent Rooms. However, it does match the one photograph that Browne took in Titanic's Marconi Room.

Not convinced? The Marconi installation record shows that Olympic had a plain spark discharger installed in 1911. A photo taken in her Silent Room and published in a 1911 issue of Engineering magazine supports this. Marconi installation records show that Titanic received a rotary spark discharger in 1912. The unique characteristics of the rotary spark were described during both the US and BOT enquiries. The rotary spark discharger sits in the wreck today...I can even count the number of studs of the periphery of the disc in the wreck footage. Installation records match archival photographs match modern wreck footage. I, for one, am convinced. And that's just the Marconi apparatus.

Bill Sauder has handled many artefacts brought up from the wreck. His job at RMSTI was to identify the artefacts for the record. From spanners to watertight door gear assemblies, he has consistently seen 401 markings. Not a 400 in sight.

There are other examples that I could go into, but if you don't see my point by now, then you never will. I'll leave it up to others to try and persuade you.

<font color="#000066">15) During the collision, the watertight integrity of the fireman's passage, deep within the ship, is breached, arguing that something harder than ice had penetrated the hull.

What does this have to do with an Olympic-Titanic switch theory? And why does damage to the Fireman's Passage have to have been wrought by something harder than ice? You do realise that the forward part of the Olympic -- where the Fireman's passage was located -- was undamaged during the Hawke collision? What are you (or Gardiner) suggesting with this, or is it just an unusual fact, without explanation, that is thrown out to help establish a sense of conspiracy?

Regardless, I don't mind you bringing that point up because it is one of the key indicators that I see pointing to a grounding event, another pet theory of mine.

This is the last time that I intend to hash this out. If it's convincing, fine; if not, oh well.
