The Ship That Never Sank

If I may...I wouldn't be overly concerned about Storyman to the point of monitoring his every move and statement. Of course, you can if you like. Nothing I can do about it and I wouldn't even if I could. However, from what little I've seen, he's become his own worst enemy and may well be doing his client a lot more harm then good.

Okay...Fair enough. Let him.

To paraphrase Napoleon Bonapart; "Never interfer with your opponant when he's making a mistake."
Monica, you might find this entertaining. A chum of mine on the U.S. Military Forum posted a list of rules on how to start your own conspiracy theory which I'm posting here with his permission:

Yes, Kiddies, you too can join in the newest fun passtime and start your very own conspiracy theory. All you have to do is:

1) Refuse to admit that anything happens by chance.

2) Give arbitrarily assigned new meanings to unrelated events so that they connect to each other.

3) Invent a catchy name for the "EVIL FORCES".

4) Provide an Evil Intention by the "EVIL FORCES" to justify why the "EVIL FORCES" are causing the events that you have just linked together by giving those events new meanings.

5) Label all authorities, politicians, and officials who do not agree with you as naive, stupid, dupes, or hirelings of the "EVIL FORCES" (or, better yet, as actual memberts of the "EVIL FORCES").

6) Make a long list of famous names and claim that they are parts of the "EVIL FORCES" - cite the lack of any evidence to substantiate this assertion as proof of the power and success of the "EVIL FORCES" evil in action.

7) Name anyone who disputes the proof that you have just produced as an agent of the "EVIL FORCES" - claim that any documentation that does not accord with the proof that you have just produced was falsified by the "EVIL FORCES" - state that any historical record that varies from what you want it to be has been crafted by the "EVIL FORCES" - use the fact that the "EVIL FORCES" are denying the truth, falsifying documents, and crafting the historical records to hide the existance of the "EVIL FORCES" as proof of the existance of the "EVIL FORCES"

8) Issue vague and confusing warnings of impending evil acts by the "EVIL FORCES" - cite the fact that the evil acts don't occur as proof that the "EVIL FORCES" exist and are afraid of you exposing their intentions.

9) Continuously call for people to be alert for evil acts caused by the "EVIL FORCES" and to send you money so that you can continue the good work of making _______________ safe for ___________ and protected from the "EVIL FORCES".
There you have it, your very own "Conspiracy In A Box" Kit.

Don't send thanks, send money.That last part about sending money has an evergreen quality to it!
Right! I think I've got the hang of it now. Am going to test theory out on a really tough one - the death of Queen Anne. Died (so they say - ho!!) of hereditary illness / despair after thankless job of being Queen in 18th Century, and after 19 pregnancies ended in no living progeny.

If I can find a conspiracy theory in that, then I shall move on to more lucrative possibilities.... no money to be made out of this, I realize, but it's just a test case after all.
LOL @ Michael!

Things are improving over at Conspiracy HQ- 'Storyman' has continued to be rude and seems to have been banned, and Bruve Beveridge has arrived in a cloud of rivets, to share his detailed knowledge far and wide. Great stuff!
Elvis is alive and he sank the Titanic which wasn't really the Titanic but her sister the Olympic. Quick, call the National Enquirer! Yikes, people like Storyman scare me. Althought I guess 'storyman' is from the crazy stories he tells?
Oh heck yes, ignoring people like that is the best way. Just thought it was worth putting it out here that the agent behind the theory-master got up to such behaviour, really.
>>Just thought it was worth putting it out here that the agent behind the theory-master got up to such behaviour, really.<<

I concur. Seems like he's his clients own worst enemy with the sort of conduct too. One catches more flies with honey then vinegar and all that. I saw a lot of vinegar on the thread.
Just had an email from Dan Van Der Vaat. Despite what "Storyman" says, Dan STILL doesn't believe the conspiracy/switch thread story!


I predict a sad end for those who continue to promote the conspiracy theory. Anybody with a knowledge of ships, engineering, and organisation of early 20th century labour would tell you that such a thing would have been impossible.

As for that sad end, they are doomed to spend eternity stoking the boilers in boiler room No. 6 of a liner which they will never be able to identify as to whether it is 400, 401 or 433!