The Ship That Never Sank

Does any one believe that the titanic and the Olympic was swapped i recently read a book 'the riddle of titanic' and its quite convincing about the supposed swap didn’t they say you cant Actually see the name all u can see is the C witch can be seen on either ship the other think what could prove the theory is the propellers which are 30 meters deep in mud any one got any ideas

it a great book about the surposed swap of Olympic and titanic its very convining

No, it's not. In fact, it's one of the worst books out there on Titanic; it's full of utter rubbish.

You are the only one that is convinced here. As for the rest of us, we know for certain it didn't or couldn't have happened, simply because it would have been impossible to pull off. You'd have to keep the whole shipyard quiet about the switch and that's something that just wasn't going to happen anyway you slice it.

Plus, it would have cost a ton of money to carry out such a scam and the White Star Line wasn't about to waste their assets or time. Also, there is evidence to prove that Titanic is on the bottom of the Atlantic. "401" was Titanic's hull number which was discovered to be on one of her propellers several years ago and some of the lettering was discovered on her bow beginning with "T", indicates it's definitely her and not her older sister.

There's been a lot of discussion about this. I suggest you read through the various threads on here, which will allow you to separate fact from fiction. Also, I recommend purchasing "Olympic & Titanic: The Truth Behind the Conspiracy" by Steve Hall and Bruce Beveridge. That's a much better book.

Here are a few threads to get you started:

yes but the oylmpic sustained damage and the white star line never got paid to fix it so they were out of pocket they had to get money some how

Sure, Olympic suffered damage from the collision, but that doesn't in any way mean White Star was going to cook up the switch theory. As I've already stated, it would have been virtually impossible to keep 16,000 shipyard workers quiet. Word would have gotten out somehow and possibly found it's way to the media. Plus, we would have known about it long before now. White Star paid Harland & Wolff to repair Olympic, not the other way around.

Have you bothered to read the threads that I provided links for? If not, I suggest you do as you will be able to understand why it didn't and more importantly, could not happen.

Once again, it is total and absolute rubbish.​
>>yes but the oylmpic sustained damage and the white star line never got paid to fix it so they were out of pocket they had to get money some how<<

So...spending literally hundreds of thousands of pounds to make two ships look like another only to sink one in an effort to collect on an insurance policy which was 1/3rd underwritten by White Star's own in house insurance fund would raise the money?

Yeah...riiiiiiiiiiiight....suuuuurrrre it would.

Liam, White Star just wasn't that stupid. The crime of barretry is easy enough to arrange in port, with a single man, a can of petrol, and a book of matches. Much more discreet that way, easy enough to do on the cheap, and without involving up to 14,000 shipfitters who would absolutely know what's going on and who, I guarantee you, would not keep the secret.

Robin Gardiner's work is sensationalist claptrap. A piece of fiction masquerading as fact. There's nothing to it and there never was. He knows it too. White Star had no problem paying for the repairs. It hurt a little, but it was far from fatal and the damage was not that bad.
If you'd like to see a convincing Argument for the switch theory read the first 7 chapters of this book:

Hall, Steve & Bruce Beveridge. Titanic and Olympic, The Truth Behind the Conspiracy

in the first 7 chapters they make a more convincing argument than Gardiner could ever make, the bad news for Gardiner and his fellow Pro Switch Buddies the 8th chapter Sinks the Switch Myth, and there are other good reasons to buy this book: an Appendix w/ plenty of details on the differences between Olympic and Titanic, an Olympic History, and Britannic History.

as for the rest I think Michael S. Hit a Homer w/ this one:

~Robin Gardiner's work is sensationalist claptrap. A piece of fiction masquerading as fact. There's nothing to it and there never was. He knows it too. White Star had no problem paying for the repairs. It hurt a little, but it was far from fatal and the damage was not that bad.~
Anyone who reads the Hall and Beveridge book and still thinks the Titanic and Olympic were swapped probably also believes that the earth is flat and the moon is made of green cheese. As I have said before, they do such a thorough job of debunking Gardiner's nonsense that there is no more left to be said, except...

Two things. First of all, I actually liked reading Gardiner's book. It was different, radical, and totally fiction...but it caught my attention, even if I was rolling my eyes the entire time. This is the only props I give to Gardiner.

Secondly, I have decided to write my own book.

My theory is that the Titanic's Powers that Be (Ismay, E.J. Smith, and Andrews) were all secretly working for the British Admiralty. Churchill was concerned that the Olympic-class ships were all taking money away from the Cunard Lines. So Churchill ordered Ismay to secretly destroy one of the WSL's new liners in hope to swing opinion to Cunard's favor.

Most officers, save Murdoch and Wilde, weren't in on it, but J.J. Astor and J.P. Morgan, who was losing great sums of money on IMM were. So Ismay, Astor, Smith, Churchill, and Morgan all hatched a plan to ram the Titanic into an iceberg, knowing that the ship will sink slowly and act as its own lifeboat until a Cunarder, ala the Carpathia, or a IMM ship, ala the Californian, could save all on board.

However, in wrecking the liner against an iceberg, Murdoch didn't count on the underside of the berg, which ripped a section of the bottom away from the ship (hence why they found the section on the ocean floor). The ship was doomed.

The Californian, waiting on a message from the Admiralty, sat dead in the water...wanting to make a triumphant entrance. They did not know the danger ahead for the Titanic.

Boats were only loaded half full for this reason. Also, Murdoch and Wilde were both shot before Titanic foundered as so they would not talk later. This accounts for the shooting of the officers.

Ismay survived as planned so that he could meet up with Churchill and the Admiralty later. Ismay was paid off generously as his name was ripped through the mud.

My deceptive, evil minded theory...and the only innocent in the whole story... about Boxhall? He isn't mentioned too much.

This post was meant half in joking, half serious. This is how ridiculous Gardiner's claims are. I, like he, have taken an incredible idea and put some fact behind it.

And I bet I would sell a million copies too.

Cheers....and happy reading!
>>And I bet I would sell a million copies too. <<

Well, it worked for Gardiner!
Hmmm...aliens....And Ismay also indirectly led to the "New Coke" phase of the 80's too...I have proof!

(in the immortal words of Michael Ian Black)...we don't know how high up this was...let's just say that the Pope was involved...