The Silverthornes

With the blizzard raging there's nothing to do but go through old scrapbooks. The menu and photos are from a THS convention in Wilmington in 1987. I was thrilled to find Holly Silverthorne, Spencer's daughter-in-law was my room mate. She was such a cheerful lady - in her plaid scottish tam o' shanter. She was late to the banquet that night but Don Lynch graciously gave up his seat at the head table and she could talk of nothing else as we chattered later that night back in our room. She sat right next to Dr. Ballard and Walter Lord which was the thrill of a lifetime for her. The lady to the right is Karl Behr's daughter Sally Pettit- such a sweet lady who sadly passed away in 1995. Her husband Sam signed the menu too- they both lived in Wilmington Delaware so it was convenient for them to attend. Such a stellar Titanic assemblage I never saw before at one table. Those were good old days.

Hi Shelley,

Many thanks for sharing - fascinating info! Spencer's present day decendants, with whom I had a brief correspondance, were most kind and helpful in providing information on the family. Walter Lord was at college with S.V. Silverthorne Jr. and was a family friend.

Great photograph. I have never seen one of him in later years. Any idea when this one was taken?

Best Regards,
Dear Shelley,

Spencer Silvertorne's niece-in-law, Elizabeth Silverthorne, lives in Salado, Texas, and is my neighbor and good friend. She remembers Mr. Silverthorne more as a father-in-law, as he raised her husband. She is a well-respected author of such books as, Christmas in Texas, Plantation Life in Texas, Ashbel Smith and an important biography of Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, among other works.

Elizabeth is such an interesting person, and she and her daughter have taken a new interest in Spencer's Titanic story because, apart from the ongoing mania, I keep bugging her about it!

Best regards,
Doug Willingham
Doug, Elizabeth does sound like a very interesting person. I love Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. I have been to Cross Creek a couple of times and there is no place in Florida that has such a peaceful, laid back atmosphere than Cross Creek. Marjorie is buried near Cross Creek at a cemetary that is down a dirt road. Her epitaph says it clearly "Through her writings she endeared herself to the world". What a great way to be remembered.
Does Elizabeth have many photos of the Silverthornes? I would certainly ask my share of questions if I was nearby.
You are lucky indeed Doug to know her! It is always a wonderful experience to keep the memories of survivors alive by sharing photos and stories with their family, and also with others who may not have the chance to meet them . It is a positive and enriching way to keep the story alive for future generations, and honors the memory of those who have passed on, which I believe is the best goal for any historian.
Darren and Shelley,

Elizabeth recalls seeing Spencer's scrapbooks, at least one of which was items related to the "Titanic", and always wondered what became of them. Elizabeth's husband was a physician, and they lived in Texas for most of their married life before he died some years ago. Elizabeth herself was raised in Texas. Her uncle by marriage, Spencer Silverthorne, lived in Scarsdale and New York City and lived to be in his 90s. Elizabeth remembers that when he slipped and fell on an icy sidewalk in Manhattan somewhere that a picture capturing the event appeared in the New York Times--perhaps in part because of his age. Otherwise, Elizabeth has expressed regret that she wasn't around him all that much and to her knowledge many of his memories, along with the scrapbooks, are lost to us.
I suggested to her that his "Titanic" things probably went to Walter Lord, whom he met during Lord's research. Some items, such as the First Class dinner menu for April 14th, signed by Silverthorne and the other buyers at his table that night, appear in the illustrated edition of ANTR with the photo credit "author's collection", so that supports my theory.
Hi Doug,

I recall your mentioning your theory about the Silverthorne memorabilia. I think you may be right. I suspect that once the Greenwich museum inventories the late Walter Lord's collection, many gems will be revealed. I think it's likely that Edith Russell's papers are there and recently I've come to believe that Renee Harris' memoirs (or notes for such) may be among Lord's fine archival stash.

When a Salado get-together materializes, which it must this summer at least, I sure hope Elizabeth Silverthorne will be your special guest of honor. I am looking forward to meeting her.

Hey, Randy!

Yes, Elizabeth and possibly her daughter, too, who lives in Dallas, will be special guests at a Salado meeting this summer. It will be fun for people to bring their collections, as John Hemmert first suggested, and possibly invite the public.

I got sent the picture of Spencer Silverthorne house i Scarsdale N.Y. in 2001 from the owner that year. It is a huge, well kept building.
The owner wrote:"I knew Mr Silverthorne had been a survivor of the Titanic. About fifteen years ago I met a man named Silverthorne . I mentioned the former owner of the house. The young man I met said there was a book written about the Silverthorne and mention of a Titanic survivor.
Has anybody read this book?

I don't know about a book on Silverthorne but one of his descendents is an author and lives here in Texas. She is in fact a friend and neighbor of Dr. Douglas Willingham, a member of ET.

You might want to check Doug's profile for his e-mail address and contact him. He should know more.

Dear Arne,

I just received your note with the photo of the home in Scarsdale once owned by Spencer Silverthorne, along with the letter from its current owners. It was very thoughtful of you to send it, Arne, and I look forward to sharing it with the Salado Silverthornes.

Folks, I apologize for not being able to post this photo. I'll get some help ASAP. In the meantime, it's a large, beautiful house in the Shingle Style, with Craftsman details, and very well maintained.

Darren and Ben, if you'll send me your mailing addresses, I will send you color copies of this photograph. Better yet, plan to be in Salado, Texas, on the weekend of Oct. 17-19, for the Second Annual "Titanic Texas Weekend". Elizabeth Silverthorne and her daughter, Carol, will be there and I would like to introduce you to them. Watch for more information on the "Let's Meet" department, which I'll post in July.

Best regards,