The Squash Court

Does anyone out therre have a drawing or possible photograph of the Squash court on the Titanic? I heard that Ken Marshall has one but does anyone else happen to have one? I saw a drawing of it when I was a kid, but i don't remember what It looked like any help would be appricated.
Hi Ken!

There is an image in White Star's 78-page 1911 special publicity brochure on Olympic and Titanic, it was discussed somewhere on this board ages ago. (Or was it just the 1911 Shipbuilder number?) You can get a copy of this booklet from the THS website -- or the Ulster Folk & transport Museum, I think.

Best regards,

And this room should still exhist on the wreck! With steel walls, its still there. A winding stairway makes access a bit tricky though...


Tarn Stephanos
THis is a picture of the Squash court that I've had milling around for a while. Not the tennis courts of today but effective no doubt.
Hi Stefan,

The Squash Court entrance was on "D" deck, even though the Squash Court was on "F" deck. To get there, one would have to go down to "D" deck, through the First Class Reception, then through the entrance to the "D" deck cabins, down the hallway, turn to your left at the first hallway and it was the first door on your right. From there, it was down the stairs to "F" deck, to your right, right again, and it was at the end of the hall on your right.

Best regards,

Hi Stefan,

Minor correction to what Jason posted. The Squash Court was actually on G-deck. As he noted while you could go down from D-deck; it would have been just as easy to go down from the forward end of E-deck; because from D-deck you still had to take the stairs down from E-deck; which led to the Viewing Window; which was on F-deck. Past that there was another flight of stairs which led down to G-deck.

If you look at the plans on this web-site; go to E-deck. You will see the stairs which Jason mentions as coming down from D-deck inboard from E-5 with the stairs down to F-deck, near E-201. From there look at F-deck and at the after starboard -side of the Squash Rqt. Court you will see the stairs that come down from E-deck. Running along the after wall you will see the passage containing the Viewing Window and the stairs leading down to G-deck; on which deck you will see those stairs coming down and the area where the door into the Squash Court is located.

I hope that helps,
Sorry for dropping so many questions in this thread at once, but new one's keeps popping up.
In the drawing of the Squash Court above, there is some kind of skylight in the cealing. Did this in fact lead all the way up to C-deck?
Hi Stefan and Lester,

Lester: Thank you for correcting me which I appreciate.

Stefan: You're welcome! As to your recent questions above, I'm not sure, but now I'm wondering as well. Maybe Lester can answer those.

Best regards,

Thank you Jason. Hi Stefan,

I am not aware of any changing rooms. None feature on any deck plans so I guess passengers went dressed to play; although given the way the players are featured I think they would have caused a stir and ended up being arrested by the Master-at-Arms if they had walked throught 1st Class dressed as they are drawn.

The skylight is a mystery. There were staterooms immediately above on E-deck, so I cannot see how it could not have gone up and certainly not as far as C-deck. Given that what we have [posted above] is a drawing rather than a photograph, I think it features something that never existed; but hopefully a Titanic structural expert will drop in and answer this one.

That square hole did exit. If you have a look at plan just forward of the E, D and C deck cabins, you can see that square hole indicated. I think that's how the room was ventilated. Hot air rises and leaves through that thing.