Titanic Game Adventure Out Of Time

Please just answer this in a yes-it can be done or no-it can't be done.

Can you get the painting before it's nabbed below decks (not talking about the Irish passengers either., more in the early-mid part of the game
In regards to the important items,

once one gets to the heart of the ship, can 3 of the 4 items needed be found in one search?

Again, Please just answer this either:
yes-it can be done
no-it can't be done.
Hi Sahand,

Great to hear you won the game!

Best regards,

can anyone tell me what relevance the timb bomb in zeitels cabin has i found that you can simply remove the key and get out of the cabin without it going of.it doesnt seem to have much use in the story really.
When you take the key and click ok the side of the ship should blow up. When it does you can try again or just quit trying and get out. You can beat the game without even going into his room also.

Is lifeboat four (2.20 departure) the only lifeboat you can escape on. I've won the game and prevented WW1 but I find I always have to wait around after I've got everything.
Hi Simon,

I'm not sure exactly what you mean but I'll try and answer as best as I can! If you talk to the Gorse-Jones's and say yes when they ask to leave the ship then you lose the game, but I guess you know that as you've finished it properly. Unfortunately at the end of the game the cd I had went wrong, (due to a certain interferring mum who ruined the cd somehow, but let's not get into that!) so I couldn't try to save Georgia after her being poisened, which is a pity as I think that Georgia and the secret agent should get married! The way that I finished was, first, to show Officer Morrow the tarot card, but he says basically, 'Yeah right, tough luck! Try someone else!' I'm not sure if this is what you mean, but I found that, after retrieving all the artifacts, (which I found was the trickiest bit of the game, with vlad at the end as I didn't think about going down below decks at first!) then talking to Penny Pringle and showing the seaman that card, was the quickest. I have not left in another lifeboat apart from that, but as I said my first cd didn't work properly. I'm trying to get hold of another one, if I do I'll let you know of my progress, and you please let me know of yours! You don't happen to know of any sites where I could get another copy do you? Good luck! Jess (hope this e-mail actually sends!)
Sahand, You have to bet the real necklace with Riviera, but make sure you save the game just before you do, so you play it again. Play it until you wint he card, and leave Riviera in the smoking room, then do everything else if you already have not, like making sure you have everything, rubaiyat, necklace, notebook (which can be retrieved from vlad in boiler room by giving him the shawl, if ya don't already know!) and then go up on deck, I think you have to talk to Penny first but not sure, I'll have to play it again soon! Then show it to the seaman...not sure on which side, sorry, but I think he's the only one except Officer Morrow who you can talk to. Morrow tells you to talk to the seaman, and then you can go. Doing everything like the bomb and saving Georgia are just optional extras, they do not have to be done, but I'm sure they're fun! Hope I've helped! Jess

That answers my question perfectly thank you. Up until now I have had to hang around asking Morrow if he needs help. At 2.20 if you ask again he will tell you to get in, if you say no, he tells you that there is no time to argue and asks you to tell people he did his best, with that your pushed in.

I have got the card from Riviera but I think I must have got it to late as no body seemed interested. So I just figured it was all a red herring to distract you.

I got my copy from HMV in birmingham about 4 years ago. I'm not sure if they still sell it but I'm sure there are a few copies on E-bay or gamespanet.co.uk

I'll let you know

