Titanic Game Adventure Out Of Time

Yep getting the card does let you off the ship, but I think its more noble to wait until Morrow insist you get in. The results are the same. No ww1, What I don't get is if you take the real necklace you still end up in the same cheap rented flat just with a nicer picture.
I think that the agent and Georgia should get married and then there should be pictures of them in the 'memories' book at the end! I love happy endings. And I also think that the agent let Georgia keep the necklace, just to make it sound happier!
I beat the game just yesterday. I managed to coerce Vlad into giving up the Rubiyat, got the notebook, and the painting, but no necklace (I gave up on that G-damm Russian Doll thing and made it off the Titanic. Here's what happened:

-WWI happened

-The Nazis and Hitler never rose to power. Ol' Adolf spent the rest of his life selling art.

-The Communists took power and swept through Europe, and I get ventilated by a Russian machine gunner. (BTW, It was cool to se bullet holes and my blood splatter across my scrapbook and Titanic model.)
