Titanic Adventure Out Of Time

I have the game Titanic Adventure Out Of Time and I passed the whole agme but I was just wondering if anyone that has this game saw famous people like Capt.Smith or Mr.Andrews...or anyone else
Hi Justyna!

I too have the game and have played every scenario possible. I have not seen any references to any of the actual passengers and crew other than in dialogue with characters and on the Purser's passenger list.

The only passengers and crew rendered in the game are fictional like Third Officer Morrow instead of Pitman etc. Captain Smith is mentioned in the game but never shown, nor is Thomas Andrews or Ismay who are also mentioned. I also like how there are no officers on the Bridge or even at the wheel!

Best Regards,

Hi Tammy,

The game is not available for download, but you can purchase it off ebay. I see it on their quite often and it usually sells for under $10.

It's a very entertaining game, so it's worth the money.

Best regards,

10 dollars is well worth it for this game for anyone who has any minor interest in Titanic. Even if you don't like the game itself, it is great for a Titanic buff to freely navigate around a 3-d Titanic. It's entertaining for me just to pop into the smoking room, walk the grand staircase, explore my suite, or go deep within the ship.