Encyclopedia Titanica

Steve Coombes

Member and Contributor since November 2003

Frank Allsop Memorial
Photograph of gravestone mentioning Titanic victim...
Unknown Title
Died January 9th 1988. RICHARDS, William (Willie) Rowe Richards of Carbis Bay whose death at the age of 78 is reported on page 7 was one of the few survivors remaining of the Titanic disaster in which in April 1912 claimed 1,500 lives. Billy...
The Rt. Rev. Aloysius Smith
The Rt. Rev. Aloysius Smith was the eldest brother of Reginald George Smith, one of the saloon stewards on Titanic. This is his obituary-FIRST ABBOT OF BODMINThe Rt. Rev. Abbot Aloysius Smith, C.R.L., First Abbot of Bodmin and...
AT SEA IN A BLIZZARD: Bude Seaman Found Wrapped In The Mainsail
Adventure recalled by death of Mr. J. Jewell...
Titanic survivor Robert Hichens attacked Torquay Man
Henley opened the door and came outside. Hichens was standing with both hands in his pockets, and in his right hand pocket was the revolver. He asked Henley for money, saying 'I am on the ground I want you to pick me up.' Henley naturally...
TITANIC OFFICER SENT TO PENAL SERVITUDERobert Hitchens, 51, a ship's navigating officer, who was stated to have been at the wheel of the Titanic when she was sunk in 1912 after striking an iceberg, appeared in the dock at Winchester Assiz...
Death of an Esteemed Resident.
Torquay has lost an old and respected inhabitant in the death of Mrs. Rebecca Parsons, of Bronshill Road. Originally of Torrington, she had for many years resided at Torquay and took a very active interest in the work of the United Methodist Church ...
MEMORIALS OF HENRY FORBES JULIAN. By HESTER JULIAN (Griffin & Co. 6s. net.)There is no way of summing up the total loss to the nation and to the world of such a disaster as the wreck of the Titanic. The mere tale of the number of so...
In Memoriam (1)
JULIAN – In loving memory of Henry Forbes Julian, the beloved husband of Hester Julian, of Redholme, Torquay, who gave his life for others on the RMS Titanic, 15 April 1912. “Quit you like men, be strong.”...
Reginald Coleridge : Probate Report
Coleridge Reginald Charles of Hartford Huntingdonshire died 15 April 1912 at sea Probate London 10 June, 1912, to reverend Alexander Chorley Crosfield, clerk. Effects £455 14s 7d. ...
FUNERAL OF MR. W CARBINES The body of Mr. William Carbines, of Nanjivey, St Ives, one of the "Titanic" victims, was brought to St. Ives from Southampton on Monday by the 10:14 a.m. train. It was expected that the remains would have been...
Cornish Lady's Experience
Mrs Ould was returning to Sacramento, after a visit to Cornwall....
A Fulfilled Dream. Echo of the Loss of the Titanic
One of the stewards on board the Titanic was a son of the late organist and choirmaster of a church in Torquay. He leaves an aged widowed mother, who was dependent upon him. His sister narrates a strange dream. She says that for several nights pri...
Letter from his Majesty the King
The Late Mr. Forbes Julian.-Mrs. Forbes Julian, of Redholme, has been honoured by receiving, through Viscount Knollys, a letter expressing the sympathy of his Majesty the King with her in the loss of her husband in the Titanic disaster. The letter r...
DEVON LADY Tells her Story of Titanic Disaster
EXCITING TIME Miss Susie Webber, second cabin passenger, who was rescued from the “Titanic” send us the following account of her experiences: I started from a railway station in De...
Letter from her Majesty the Queen
The Late Mr. Forbes Julian.-Mrs. Forbes Julian has been honoured by receiving a gracious letter of sympathy from her Majesty the Queen from Buckingham Palace. It reads: “Her Majesty feels very much for you in the irreparable loss which you have sus...
Ugborough Man's Graphic Story of the Great Ocean Tragedy
This item was almost word for word the same as that reported in the Western Morning News of 29 April 1912. However, in addition the article stated that his father was in the Metropolitan Police at Devonport. ...
Leap of 75 Feet
A fireman named Walter Hurst, of Southampton, said he was off watch at the time, and made his way to the boat deck. He was, of course, told to stand back and about five minutes before the liner sank he jumped the 75 feet to the sea, having a lifebel...
Ugborough Man's Story
J. Horswell (sic), a sailor, residing in Southampton, said though he was now lodging at Southampton, he hailed from Ugborough. He acted as bowman in one of the emergency boats, and among the passengers with them were Sir Cosmo and Lady Duff Gordon. ...
Westcountry Connections
An interesting conversation with two of the survivors...
The Titanic Disaster (4)
At a special meeting of the St. David’s (Exeter) District Committee of the National Deposit Friendly Society a vote of condolence was passed with Mr. and Mrs. Dyer in the loss of their son in the Titanic disaster. The deceased was a member of the St...
The Titanic Disaster (5)
It is feared that Rev. E. C. Carter and Mrs. Carter, of St. Jude’s, Whitechapel, are among the lost passengers. The rev. gentleman was a brother of the Rector of St. Mary Arches, Exeter, and was taking a holiday. Mrs. Carter was a niece of Mrs. E. ...
The Titanic Disaster (6)
Quartermaster G. Rowe, a native of Topsham, is among the crew saved.Submitter's footnote: I have read elsewhere that it was in fact George Rowe's married sister who resided at Topsham, Devon. It seems he was a regular visitor to Top...
Shaldon and the Disaster
Mr. Henry Forbes Julian, one of the first-class passengers, of Redholme, Torquay, is also among the missing. He formerly resided at Ness House. Mr. Forbes made a fortune in South Africa with a patent for separating gold from quartz, and during his...
George Fox Hosking not saved
Captain and Mrs. Hosking of Shaldon have received a telegram from Mr. Bock, Captain Hosking’s cousin in America, who had travelled about 300 miles to meet Mr. George Fox Hosking, the Senior Third Engineer on the ‘Titanic’ who he was hoping would ...
St. Austell
The most impressive gathering was that at the Baptist Sunday School, with which the family of the late Mr. W. H. Nancarrow, one of the Mount Charles victims, was connected. As the children were being dismissed the members of the adult classes lined u...
The Truro Churches
The Rev. W. F. Fenwick (vicar) referred to the disaster at St. John’s on Sunday morning and at the evening service the Rev. G. Rhys said that from that small parish two persons (Messrs. West and Fillbrook) had gone down with the doomed vessel: he tru...
Village constable loses nephew
PC Prideaux the village constable (Shaldon, Devon), has lost a nephew, a promising young fellow who was clerk to the purser on the Titanic, he was a young man of fine physique and was the only son of a widow who resides in Hampshire....
Memorial Service
A memorial service for Mr. Henry Forbes Julian, of Torquay, who went down in the Titanic, will be held at noon on Monday next at St. Mary Magdelene Church, Upton, Torquay....
Mr. Julian's Companion
Mr. Forbes Julian was accompanied on the Titanic by a mining engineer, named Weir. Here is a pen picture from New York: “With a tall woman in blue velvet, Mr. Cornell, a popular magistrate, elbowed his way into the offices to get some word of his w...
The Countess of Rothes
The Countess of Rothes, who, as reported in last week’s Directory, was saved, was on her way to the States to meet her husband, who is a son of Mrs. Leslie Leslie, of Paignton, Devon. Before marriage Lady Rothes was Miss Edwardes, only child of Mr. ...
Torquay Resident Loses Her Son
Mrs. Parsons, of Hardene, Bronshill Road, has lost her son. Mr. Edward Parsons, who was chief storekeeper on the Titanic. He had been in connected with the White Star Line for many years, and had previously served on the Oceanic, Teutonic, and Maje...
Turpin a member of Masonic brethren
Mr. Turpin was a member of the Masonic brethren of the Lodge of St. George, No2025, Plymouth....
A Sidmouth Family. Father Drowned: Wife & Children Saved
Mr. and Mrs. Dean, of Branscombe near Sidmouth, with their two children, were passengers in the Titanic. Mrs. Dean and children were among the saved, but Mr. Dean perished....
Mr and Mrs Turpin among the missing
A message has been sent to Mr. C Gilbert of 8 Pentyre-terrace, Plymouth confirming Mr. and Mrs. Turpin were amongst the missing....
Bodmin Priests Bereaved
At Mass at St. Piran’s Roman Catholic Church, Truro on Sunday morning, prayers were offered for those who went down in the Titanic, and special mention was made of Mr. Hugh McElroy, the chief purser, brother of the present Prior of Bodmin (Fr. Ri...
Bodmin Priests Bereaved (1)
At Mass at St. Piran’s Roman Catholic Church, Truro on Sunday morning, prayers were offered for those who went down in the Titanic, and special mention was made of Mr. Hugh McElroy, the chief purser, brother of the present Prior of Bodmin, and Mr. Re...
From the Westcountry
Captain and Mrs. T. Hoskings (sic), 17, The Green, Shaldon, received a telegram yesterday from Mr. Bock (the former’s cousin), now in America, to the effect that he had travelled down to New York, 300 miles from his home, hoping to meet their...
The Local Passengers
The Countess of Rothes, who was on board the Titanic, which has sunk in the North Atlantic, is among the passengers reported as safe. She is a daughter-in-law of Mrs. Leslie-Leslie, of Adelphi Terrace, Paignton.Definite information on the subj...
From the Westcountry (1)
Amongst the St. Austell victims were Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Robins, who were returning after a long visit at Mount Charles. Mr. Robins seemed to have some presentiment of something going to happen, as he was heard to remark when the train was even a...
Gloom at Holsworthy
This disaster has cast a gloom over Holsworthy, there being no less than seven passengers from this district on board the ill-fated vessel. ...
Page 5 A daily contemporary contained the following on Friday:- ''On his arrival at St. John's (Nova Scotia) yesterday by the steamer Corsican, the Rev. A. C. Crosfield, of Hartford Vicarage Hunts., learned for the first...
Mr. R. C. Coleridge Missing
Page 5 There seems every reason to fear that Mr. Reginald C. Coleridge, of Hartford, who was among the second-class passengers on the Titanic, has lost his life. Every day since the disaster his friends have anxiously scanned the li...
Among the passengers of whose fate nothing is yet definitely known is Mr. Frank Andrew (30), of Pencoys, near Redruth. Mrs. Andrew, who lives at Pencoys, with one little child about two years of age, received a postcard from a friend in Plymouth, on ...
The Fears of Relatives : Inhabitants of Bodmin
Three inhabitants of Bodmin had relatives on board the Titanic......
The Fears of Relatives : Parsons
In connection with the WomenÂ’s Missionary Auxiliary at the Zion United Methodist Church, St. Austell, on Wednesday evening, Mr. W. J. Nicholls, who presided, referred to the loss of the Titanic. ...
The Fears of Relatives : Whilems
Among the passengers of the Titanic was Mr. Charles Whilems, 31, a foreman in the employ of Messrs. Robinson KingÂ’s glass works, London. ...
An Exeter Passenger
It is also stated that Mr. Ralph Giles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Giles of Eaton-place, Exeter, was among the passengers.Mrs. Giles has wired to the Head Office of the White Star Line in London, but has received no reply. Mrs Giles’s sister-in-law h...
Name reported on Carpathia as Ellen Wickes...

John Gill

John Gill
2nd Class Passenger

Samuel James Rule
Victualling Crew

Ernest William Hamblyn

Ernest William Hamblyn
Victualling Crew

Samuel Herman

Samuel Herman
2nd Class Passenger

Archie Jewell

Archie Jewell
Deck Crew

William Henry Saundercock
3rd Class Passenger

Ernest Cann
3rd Class Passenger

Frederick James Banfield

Frederick James Banfield
2nd Class Passenger

Maria Louisa Thorne Drew

Maria Louisa Thorne Drew
2nd Class Passenger

Sibley George Richards

Sibley George Richards
2nd Class Passenger

Robert James Bateman

Robert James Bateman
2nd Class Passenger

Charity Robins

Charity Robins
3rd Class Passenger

John Arthur (Jack) Prideaux
Jane Quick

Jane Quick
2nd Class Passenger

Alfred Albert White

Alfred Albert White
Engineering Crew

John Edward Hart

John Edward Hart
Victualling Crew

Alfred Charles Shiers

Alfred Charles Shiers
Engineering Crew

Frank Couch
Deck Crew

John Poole Penrose
Victualling Crew

Alexander Robins

Alexander Robins
3rd Class Passenger

William James Elsbury

William James Elsbury
3rd Class Passenger

Ernest James Crease

Ernest James Crease
3rd Class Passenger

Edwina Celia Troutt

Edwina Celia Troutt
2nd Class Passenger

John Adams
3rd Class Passenger

Reginald Charles Coleridge

Reginald Charles Coleridge
2nd Class Passenger

Frank Hubert Maybery

Frank Hubert Maybery
2nd Class Passenger

Edwin Charles  Wheeler

Edwin Charles Wheeler
2nd Class Passenger

Reginald Harry Rogers

Reginald Harry Rogers
2nd Class Passenger

George Fox Hosking

George Fox Hosking
Engineering Crew

Charley Hodge

Charley Hodge
Engineering Crew

Barbara Joyce West

Barbara Joyce West
2nd Class Passenger

Ada Mary West
2nd Class Passenger

William Jeffery Ware

William Jeffery Ware
2nd Class Passenger

Arthur Ford
3rd Class Passenger

Thomas Henry Blake
Engineering Crew

Frank Richard Allsop
Victualling Crew

Frederick Blainey Shellard
3rd Class Passenger

Reginald Hale

Reginald Hale
2nd Class Passenger

Emily Louisa Badman

Emily Louisa Badman
3rd Class Passenger

Sarah Elizabeth Chapman

Sarah Elizabeth Chapman
2nd Class Passenger

Alice Adelaide Louch

Alice Adelaide Louch
2nd Class Passenger

Florence Louise Ware
2nd Class Passenger

Marion Wright

Marion Wright
2nd Class Passenger

Eliza Hocking

Eliza Hocking
2nd Class Passenger

Ellen Hocking

Ellen Hocking
2nd Class Passenger

Ada Elizabeth Balls

Ada Elizabeth Balls
2nd Class Passenger

Emily Richards

Emily Richards
2nd Class Passenger

James Veal

James Veal
2nd Class Passenger

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