New York Memorial for Walter Lord

Shelly. My words are inadequate but to say, that was absolutely beautiful! Thank you again for sharing a glimpse of this man. It was a fitting service!
If I wasn't pressed for time right now, I'd give it a look. Be assured that I will when I get home from work tonight. Thanks for putting all of this together Shelley!

Michael H. Standart
Shelley, I just finished reading that tribute. I'm glad that so many freinds turned up to bid Walter a fond farewell. I only wish there was a way we could sign something on-line to add our own thoughts and tributes. A Night To Remember is the first Titanic book I ever read and I've been hooked on the Titanic's story ever since.

Michael H. Standart
Michael-Am hoping more will find time to visit the memorial webpages (3 linked together) as I learned so many new things about Walter- things that made him even more special to me-and I believe will have the same effect on others. Am not sure how to add comments and tributes. I should be glad to compose a page of comments as a webpage to post and present if you care to send me your thoughts. You have no idea how much pleasure I get in making up pages for everyone- especially when it involves these woderful people I loved so much. It is a way of remembering and honoring them-and keeping their memory evergreeen. Email at [email protected]
Michael-Am hoping more will find time to visit the memorial webpages (3 linked together) as I learned so many new things about Walter- things that made him even more special to me-and I believe will have the same effect on others. Am not sure how to add comments and tributes. I should be glad to compose a page of comments as a webpage to post and present if you care to send me your thoughts. You have no idea how much pleasure I get in making up pages for everyone- especially when it involves these wonderful people I loved so much. It is a way of remembering and honoring them-and keeping their memory evergreeen. Email at [email protected]