Walter Lord

The last couple of years were a sore trial,to be inhibited in ability to leave his apartment. But this he bore, with great patience, good humor, and courage, displaying, even when completely bedridden at the end, a keen interest in world news, music, and the lives of his many friends and admirers. As was said of Archie Butt, it could be said of Walter, "The world could ill-afford to lose a man such as he."
I don't know much about the man, but cheers to any historian and writer of his skill. Not to mention he had fine taste in subjects!

I've been meaning to read "The Miracle of Dunkirk" one of these days.
Paul, why are the archives uninteresting? Are they complete? I would have thought Mr. Lord would have had quite a few notes regarding his survivor interviews, etc.
Here is a lengthy interview TIS conducted with Walter Lord in 1990.
Go to
and click on interview for November

Also an interview with NOAA on the state of Titanic
click on article for November.
