A Skull was spotted in the D-Deck Reception Room. (2001 dive)

This was done by Bill Sauder and shared in several Titanic groups where the false claims of body remains came up with that image.
Well that is a good theory but I like to think it is some remains. It might not be true, and when the truth comes out I will accept it.
Thanks Auden for showing him the pic Steven uploaded.

I agree, but it may just be one of those things that no one wants to talk about. And, Pelligrino is a Titanic historian, I doubt, if Ken Marschall or Don Lynch ever read the book, they'd let him get away with that if the claim was false.
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I posted that pic as it came up in several searches. But as I said before you need more pics of it from different angles. It could be anything. I mentioned the Face on Mars because many people were convinced about it and wrote books and had all kinds of theories. But when NASA went back and took more pics from different angles and the sun in a different position it was just a another mountain. But still amazing what NASA has done there.
I agree, but like I said, I believe what he says about his experiences during the 2001 dive. Why lie when you can be easily discredited by the person/people that you said you experienced with them?

I check the facts during the 1912 segments.