A Skull was spotted in the D-Deck Reception Room. (2001 dive)

I am afraid it is no longer available online.
However there are bits and parts in printed version. The magazine Voyage of Titanic International Society had dive reports from the different expeditions to the wreck including 1996. You can buy back issues from them directly sometimes you can find them at auction sites like eBay.
I agree, the Wayback machine does not save every bit of the archived websites URLs.

On another note, I was able to watch the entire 1977 release of Star Wars: A New Hope on that Congress site. But then they deleted it for some reason.
Can not tell you if it is there or not. If I understand it right Wayback did not save everything. Also do not know when it "disappeared" online. Web pages comes and goes...
Do you remember the website name for the RMST inc Website, or whatever their website was called? Maybe some of their former website was archived? I was able to find their expedition, chartering, and salvage award documents earlier tonight.
I didn't know there was an image of it!
My poor attempt to outline it:
View attachment 49971

I want to get his "Ghosts of the Titanic" on amazon, but the book costs $26. But yet I got his "Farewell Titanic: Her final legacy" for $20.
The best part is you can get "Her name, Titanic" for $8 on Amazon.
Anyway, thanks Steven!
This image has floated around for years except it was supposedly from the Bismarck. It’s false.


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