Dogs on Board

Hi, Ben, you're right about Margaret Hays' dog being a pomeranian. I remembered right after I posted. I wasn't aware of Mrs. Rothschild's dog surviving, though. Thanks for the info.

To all,

Margaret Hays saved her beloved Pomeranian named "Lady." After their rescue, Miss Hays and her companion were inseparable - the dog even accompanied Miss Hays (later Mrs. Easton) to the New York opera. The dog would fit comfortably into her purse and went unnoticed. "Lady" died in 1921, and believe it or not, was cremated and was interred in a pet cemetery in upstate New York. Margaret Hays' daughter Peggy finally found the lost photograph of "Lady" in 1997.

I don't know for sure what became of Henry Sleeper Harper's dog, nor Elizabeth Rothschild's Pomeranian. It has been reported that Mrs. Rothschild's companion was killed by another dog shortly after their rescue at her summer home in New Jersey. There are so many conflicting stories about the incident that it is impossible to determine for sure. One descendent believes the dog was killed by a streetcar.

A photo of Henry Sleeper Harper's dog survives but we have no clue what became of lucky Sun Yat-sen.

Hope this helps....

Mike Findlay
Ok, so if I am understanding this conversation correctly, there were 2 Pomerainians that survived right? 2 that were snuck onto the lifeboats???
Was it Ms Hays that disguised her dog as a baby?

Thank you for clearing it up for me. My mind is in a fog at 12:20am.

According to Charles Pellegrino's new book "Ghosts of the Titanic", the third one was Sun Yat-Sen, the Pekinese owned by Henry Harper.

Stephen: For the record, I think we finally concluded awhile back that the correct spelling for the dog you mentioned was Gamin (as opposed to Gamon) de Pycombe.

On the subject of the passengers' canine companions, it appears that either Elizabeth Rothschild or Helen Bishop (or both), were somewhat unpopular with at least one fellow passenger, namely Francis Millet.

In his letter from Queenstown, he noted:

"...and a number of obnoxious, ostentatious American women, the scourge of any place they infest and worse on shipboard than anywhere. Many of them carry tiny dogs and lead husbands around like pet lambs. I tell you, when she starts out the American woman is a buster. She should be put in a harem and kept there".

I don't know enough about the individual personalities to suggest who he might have been referring to. I know that Gilbert Miligan Tucker may have spent most of the voyage chasing Margaret Hays like a "pet lamb".

Any thoughts?

(Re: Millet's comments) Yeah. Sounds like a personal problem to me. But then I'm an American woman, one of the scourge of the earth, apparently. Wish I had a pet lamb. I'd treat him really nice.
Sun Yatsen was a pekinese- then there were the French bulldogs of Eva Hart. I have a fox terrier named for Kitty Astor- who was actually an airdale- was attempting to post her picture here and I get the image format box but when I click on the little file-no cue to upload it-suggestions? Have read the formatting thing a zillion times!
Ahhhh...witchcraft? Sorcery?

Shelley, the bugs in the photo upload routines probably have poor Phil ready to see Dr. Jack "The Dripper" Kavorkian to end his suffering. He's been wrestling with it for months now with no end in sight. Perhaps you could load the photos on your own site.

Michael H. Standart
I dunno though, EVERYWHERE I've seen it, it was spelled Gamon (bloody French words arrgh!)

Also since we have started this in depth pet kick here, any thoughts or stories on Jenny the ships' cat?
G'Day Stephen; all I've ever heard of the ship's cat was that she left and took her kittens with her. As with many such stories, it's hard to tell whether there is anything to it. Being a cat person myself, I hope she didn't make the trip if she ever existed at all.

Michael H. Standart
Shelley: Great pictures. I wish I had scanning ability, I'd send you a photo of me as Lizzie (from the play "Blood Relations")complete with red hair, jowls (sp?), and a sullen expression. Oh well, some day I'll join this technological century!

Michael: eeeeek! I've never heard there might have been a cat on board!!! I'm a cat lover too; I hope she existed AND wasn't aboard!

And to all you educated, well informed types out there, at the risk of being the village idiot (again!) what does Gamon (or Gamin) de Pycombe mean. Does is mean Gamon/Gamin from (of) Pycombe?? My French is very basic, but even my boss (who is French) doesn't know the meaning of the name. Any insites?