Steven Christian, ive just been trying to investigate Alfred Whites memory of what he did, given that he was one of the only ones who was in the electrical generation part of the turbine room, to escape prior to the sinking.. his memory, not surprisingly is a little muddled... and as others have noted, the ships plans show a spiral staircase from E deck to the boat deck, ( its exit point shown in the photo of Olympic above ) Alfred says he climbed inside the funnel. that's what i was trying to understand... in effect i think his interpretation of "inside" was the spiral staircase.. he would have known it well already, since it was a direct access up and down to the parts he would be asked to go to.. sadly the chances of accessing the turbine room now, to see whats left are almost if not impossible and few views of the ship show how the electrical staff did their work. but if we are to believe what Alfred White did in the last moments... we have to see how it was possible to do what he said he did... when Alfred says he went up inside the Funnel, he doesnt mean above the boat deck.. he means from deck E to boat deck. From that exit door he could go forward to the short ladder, climb it.. and look from there forward... he doesnt have to climb any further, and its unlikely he had time to. Exactly how he reached a boat isnt my interest, its what happened during the last minutes in the electrical control room. it a bit like this 1. Alfred White is told he can leave... 2. at that point there is still steam, the main generators, at least two of them. are still running.. the emergency generators as far as we know, are not. 3. Alfred climbs the ladders, out of the generator room, maybe he goes aft to the emergency doors on E deck, ( the third class locked gates ) sees folks there, decides to turn around and go up the spiral staircase, climbs the short ladder , and looks forward, but as he is watching, the decks start to fracture... 4, in the generating room, steam fails, as the pipes in the engine room , are fractured and torn away..., 5. cables fracture, short circuits happen etc, and as the generators run down from loss of steam, the lights flicker and fail. , 6. water is pouring in now from severed pipes and hull fractures, both from below and above... i doubt very much if those still in the turbine room area, had any time to reset circuit breakers, or change a fuse, the world is collapsing around them... being torn apart above below and around them.. 7. Alfred somehow escapes, but those below are drowned as the ship breaks apart completely. My guess is that even if those in the turbine room were still alive, the structure was being wrecked, it was pitch black in there.. there was no escape..