Happy Birthday Millvina Dean (February 2)

I agree, champagne is nasty, and though I don't think I'll have the urge to salute, I'll be happy to raise a nice can of Pepsi for Ms. Dean!

Have A Terrific 91st Birthday, Millvina!

- Smith sammith77@msn.com
A special wish, for a Great Lady:

"92 Years, young, and as Grand a Lady, as one can meet".

Tomorrow night, or on Monday, we'll all have to raise a toast, "To MILLVINA!!!"

"CHEERS!!!" (I'll definitely be raising a glass of white wine, in celebration).
Adding on - A very happy 92nd birthday to Millvina and all the best to her!

I can't drink, so what should I raise to her? .

I will dedicate a toast to her at my birthday party.....

Yes, you heard that right - my 15th birthday is also on February 2nd! We are 77 years apart!
Happy Birthday Millvina!!

Have not even had my breakfast-coffee but I will raise that to her immediately!! All the best, she's such a wonderful lady

Adding my special birthday wishes to this great lady. May she continue to be blessed with great health and happiness, and many more years to come!
It's now February 2nd, in Southampton.


"CHEERS!!!" (raising a glass of white wine, in celebration).
February 2, 1912: East London residents Bertram Frank and Eva Georgetta Dean welcome their newborn daughter, Elizabeth Gladys. They, along with their 1 ½ year old son, Bertram Vere, are the first persons whose lives would be greatly touched by little Elizabeth.

February 2, 2005: Toasts are raised, and “Best Wishes” are sent, from people all over the world, especially in England and the United States:

“93 Years YOUNG”!!!
“Hope you have a great day”!!
“For she’s a jolly, grand lady!! And so say all of us”!!

Let us all raise a toast of our favorite drink (Charles Shaw's Sauvignon Blanc for me):