Happy Birthday Millvina Dean (February 2)

Happy Easter, Ms. Dean.
I knew a lady born exactly one month before Ms. Dean - Jan. 6, 1912. She poofed at my Titanic obsession, saying that I got interested in the silliest things. "Why in the world should it matter to you that I was born before Titanic sank? I can't remember it. I can't remember anyone talking about it until that movie came out. It didn't start a war, did it? It didn't change the world. Now, World War II. That makes sense to study. There are lessons to learn from it. All these different nationalities getting in each other's hair. Atomic bombs. That's what you should worry about. You have to live with it, so we don't have another war like that one. Titanic's just a ship that sank long ago."
Thanks for that information, Brian.
I hope Millvina will be enjoying a pleasant Easter Sunday.

Brian: Best Wishes to You and your family for a Happy Easter, too.
Millvina is bored? My goodness, she is going to have to do something to change that. Were the reporters not calling her this year wanting to know her first hand account of the Titanic sinking? Not even a sentence mention in our paper this morning. Next year maybe be different being the 95th anniversary. Happy Easter Millvina, we all love you!
Thanks for the update, Brian.

I hope Millvina has a Happy Easter. As John said, may you and your family have a Happy Easter as well.
Thanks for that, Brian. Sorry to hear that Millvina is being bugged by assorted merchants wanting her autograph. She deserves much better then that. I hope you'll offer her my best wishes for a happy Easter.
As far as Millvina signing all those photos and such, I hope she is getting paid very well for doing that. I know if I was getting paid for my autograph, I would be be signing my name on everything myself.
Millvina told me that nowadays she tries to dedicate whatever she is signing so that rip off merchants (my words) don't pull a fast one. Naturally her signature alone is worth far more than if she signs 'To NAME with best wishes Millvina Dean' etc.

It's a pity people are prepared to squeeze money out of her like that but the Titanic will always mean £££ to someone out there...

I have to say that the day I met her in 1999 changed my life. I wrote my first book (and had it published) because I was inspired by her story. Since then I have been delighted to meet up with Millvina every year for a chat. A lovely lady and a real Titanic Ambassador.
>Anthony, I also have met Millvena on a number of occasions. Here is a story about her that members may not know. There was a Titanic exhibition here in St. Petersburg, Florida some years ago. I was invited to the pre-opening on the Friday before the public opening on the next day, Saturday. A number of well know Titanic celebraties were there including George Tulloch and Millvena Dean. She was the featured speaker. At the conclusion of her talk she said there was one thing she learned from the Titanic disaster. That was that she would not have ice cubes in her drinks. Of course, the audience erupted with laughter. Several years ago I met up with Millvena at the British Titanic Society convention. I reminded her of the St. Petersburg incident and asked her if she was pulling our legs over the ice cube story. With a straight face she replied that ice cubes in drinks gave her an instant headache. What a sense of humor and so quick. I wonder if she was not pulling my leg on this one.

Anyhow, hope you enjoyed the story.

Regards, Henry Loscher
What a charming story Henry. It sounds so typical of Millvina to say something like that. I spoke to her tonight and she was in good spirits although she isn't as mobile as she wishes she could be. However, considering her age, she's doing remarkably well!

Thanks for taking the time to post your anecdote. Much appreciated.
Best Wishes are sent from all around the world:




HAPPY 95th!!!

Everyone: Be sure and raise a toast to this wonderful lady, and please keep her in your thoughts and prayers!!

Here in Southern California, my family has just toasted this great lady (with my favorite brand of house white wine):

Brian: I hope everyone makes this a joyous day for her.