Is there a Ken Marschall art website

Im not sure if Ken has already done this, mabey through TransAtlantic Designs- If not, I really hope he'll create some sort of website where prints of all of his amazing paintings can be purchased.

I suspect there are many here who would love to aquire prints- at the moment, the only place I know where one can get Ken Marshall Titanic prints is through THS, and since im banned from their fold, thats not an option for me.

Ken,Eric,Parks or any friends of Ken- is there an official ken Marschall site from where prints of his Titanic paintings can be aquired, or originals commisioned?

I hope to one day aquire a Ken Marschall image of Titanic as she would have appeared days after the sinking, with her paintwork still unfaded...


Tarn Stephanos
Hi Tarn,
good to see you posting again. I see the Australian language keyboard on your computer is not slowing you down any. ;-)

this topic came up recently on another thread somewhere. as far as I know there is no Ken Marschall website, official or otherwise. I have looked fairly extensively and thus far had no success.

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T
No, Ken does not currently have a website. He has talked about starting a web-based business, but his work with Cameron since the 2001 expedition has kept him too busy to even consider starting an enterprise at this time. Maybe after the spin-up for GotA has wound down, he'll reconsider the website.

Hopefully within a few years Ken will concider such a website....His painting of a sinking Britannic done a few years ago is a favorite....

Parks, any idea if Ken will be working with Dr. Ballard on future expeditions? I really hope Ballard conciders going after the Indianapolis...

ps- Hi Michael! Turns out I have greater internet access here in Melbourne than i did in Boston!

Tarn Stephanos

I spent the day with Ken today working on GotA and from our conversations, I wouldn't think Ken has anything on his mind right now other than getting everything completed for the GotA deadline (which appears to be a moving target but is nevertheless coming sooner than we'd like). Maybe after GotA, his next priority will be to get some decent sleep. After that, who knows?

Personally, I don't see Titanic dying down anytime soon. I have nothing concrete to base that belief on, it's just the juju I'm getting. I'm wondering if Ken will ever not be working on Titanic.

>>>I'm wondering if Ken will ever not be working on Titanic.<<< I hope not! I have never been let dow by his works, and anxiously await his latest inspirations!
Hi Colleen,

I'm with you on that one! Ken definitely brings the Titanic to life in his work.

Best regards,

Yes I agree with that, and his work is very inspiring. It's one of the things that led me to investigate the sinking in more detail, mainly the ship's interiors. I e-mailed him recently and told him about that and he was kind enough to take time out of his hectic schedule to send me a reply. He's very dedicated to keeping the Old Lady of the Deep alive.
...I was kind of hoping for Ken's personal insight into his dives/first impression to TITANIC.

As historical advisor on a previous RMSTI expedtion to TITANIC...Dennis Cochrane contributed a splendid narravtive to the RMSTI web-site.

Try not to confuse your passion with your work...;-)

Michael A. Cundiff
It's funny that no one mentioned TRANS-ATLANTIC DESIGNS. If I am not mistaken, a gig of Sauder's and Marschall. I used to receive a flyer on a regular basis.

Please correct me if I am mistaken.

Michael A. Cundiff
Unfortunately, in my eyes, one of Ken's *greatest* works is sold out..."Greatest Work of Man" I was fortunate to have obtained a signed one. It resides just to the port-side of my bed :)

Michael Cundiff