Jack Phillips' final moments

Mmm Is a hero to become a heroic!
21 Apr 2018 - The rarely told story of Jack Phillips, the Titanic hero from Surrey .... While many people know of Jack's heroism !
The other two Marconi hero or heroic I forgot to included. Harold Cottam of Carpathia and Giuseppe Marconi. You are right about Heinrich Rudolf Herz. But it was G Marconi who got the wireless service up and running on ships by 1900. Without that wireless all chance the 700 would have perished in the frizzing cold weather.
Mmm Is a hero to become a heroic!
21 Apr 2018 - The rarely told story of Jack Phillips, the Titanic hero from Surrey .... While many people know of Jack's heroism !
The other two Marconi hero or heroic I forgot to included. Harold Cottam of Carpathia and Giuseppe Marconi. You are right about Heinrich Rudolf Herz. But it was G Marconi who got the wireless service up and running on ships by 1900. Without that wireless all chance the 700 would have perished in the frizzing cold weather.

Who on earth is "Giuseppe Marconi" ?

I believe you meant Guglielmo Marconi.

Mmm Is a hero to become a heroic!

Eh ?

I can't be alone in losing patience with these random posts of utter gibberish surely ?
I mean, okay, I get that sentiment; however, the poster's first language is clearly not English and he seems to be doing a lot better with English than I probably could with his language. Now, having said that, I get why it is frustrating... still I cannot help but feel a big part of the problem is us and he being lost in translation.
Who on earth is "Giuseppe Marconi" ?

I believe you meant Guglielmo Marconi.

Mmm Is a hero to become a heroic!

Eh ?

I can't be alone in losing patience with these random posts of utter gibberish surely ?
Yes my mistake Giuseppe was his father.
The thread is Jack Phillips final moments. Quite frankly has been discussed many times before with no 100% answer.
I see I may of not made my point not very clear? But I do feel annoyed when someone tries to criticise and find fault with him doing his job under difficult circumstances.
What I should of said. If wasn't for the wireless install and not the Board of Trades requirement, all lives would of been lost.
The HERO is what the local newspapers describe as he was for Titanic.
Do I feel he acted like a hero? Yes I do.
Who exactly is finding fault with what he was doing ?

He did his job, everyone recognises that.

The whole subject of X, Y & Z were heroes/villains of the Titanic disaster has been done a hundred thousand times before and usually reaches the same conclusions. There is nothing more to be gained by discussing it.
Hello everyone. I am just learning about the Titanic so bear with me! I became interested in the mystery of what happened to the wireless operator Jack Phillips.

A lot of people seem to think he wasn’t on the Collapsible B because of what Archibald Gracie said.

Gracie said that Lightoller testified that Harold Bride told him he was on the boat, and so he hadn’t been speaking to Phillips directly as he later alleged in his 1934 book.

I was wondering if you could point me to Lightoller’s 1912 testimony where he says this?
Hello Sophrosyne,

If have a look at my post 143, you will see a link to Paul Lee's website and his extremely detailed 'ice warning' paper.

(This thread is one of my favourites on here as the quality of debate provided by Rob, Arun, Aaron and others was of the highest standard. Indeed, on re-reading much of it today, I could even admit that much of what Arun argued about Lightoller is correct, and I was wrong about Lightoller).

I think it is quite clear that Phillips never made it to the collapsible B, upturned, and drowned as the ship went down.


Good post. But IMO, it was closer to 02:15 am by the time Phillips and Bride left the radio shack, about a minute or so before the flooding reached a point when the Titanic suddenly lost its longitudinal stability and lurched forwards and downwards, resulting in that 'wave'. I think it is very likely that Phillips had gone aft towards the rising stern, to eventually get lost among the teeming hundreds there and die with them. It was just chance that Bride made the right choice in going towards the sinking bow section.

Looking at it another way, several people, Baker Joughin for example, remained at the rising stern end and survived, while others, like Milton Long took their chances near the bow and perished. It was just a matter of chance, being in the right spot at the right time. Worked out for some, did not for others.

maybe he was on bord from their carpathia and the burried him and james paul moody and other on the next port ... not at sea later ........
As far as I am aware, no one reported seeing Sixth Officer James Moody on any lifeboat. He was last seen helping to release Collapsible A on the roof of the officers' quarters and was very likely washed away soon afterwards.

Although there are some reports that Jack Phillips was pulled on board the overturned Collapsible B and died while on it, they are unconvincing; I personally don't think that Phillips reached any lifeboat. He very likely died with rest of the crowd in the stern of the ship when the Titanic went under.
maybe he was on bord from their carpathia and the burried him and james paul moody and other on the next port ... not at sea later ........

Only four bodies were taken aboard Carpathia and buried at see, none of them was Moody or Philips. (A day later a Carpathia passenger who died was also buried at sea.)
Carpathia did not bring any bodies to New York.