Jack Phillips

A couple of people had asked for an insight into Jack's character so I thought I would take this somewhat rushed one I posted elsewhere on the website and put it in the right section in case anyone was interested.................

Sources are scarce for character references. I don't claim him to be an absolute saint but what appears on ***** has no basis for claiming the things it does about his character. indeed if everything about the relationship between the three operators is rubbish (which it definetely is) then the accompanying details bout Jack's fast living and heavy drinking don't tally with an apparently hard working young man progressing very nicely in his career.

Jack was somewhat rebellious certainly until he began working where the reports of it die down. He does appeared to have been intelligent enough to finish top of his class at the Marconi school which he must have worked extrememly hard to achieve, not something that agrees at all with the above mentioned web site. he also appears to have been quite sporty and active which dosen't tally with all night binges countless women etc etc.


Hello Jemma,

I'm glad someone is trying to get the man's story straight. The site, which I was suckered into believing was authentic, is giving one of the heroic Marconi operators a bad name. He was obviously well-loved, just look at how big his memorial is! Plus, Harold Bride himself stated at the enquiry that he did not meet Jack until Belfast.

Did you notice that the information you and I sent about Jack has been added to his biography on this site? Beautiful photos!


Thanks Brandon!

I noticed it was up yes. I think i added a couple of different photos to www geocities com/senioroperatorjackphillips, and I intended to add some more this week. Are you really only 15? If so I think it's great for young Titanic fans that Jack's biography was submitted by two people under 21!


Thanks Jemma. It's nice to see someone trying to clear Phillip's name and get the story straight. He certainly deserves what you've done - for that matter nobody deserves the kind of rubbish that has appeared about him.


Yes, I'm only 15. I've been fascinated by the Titanic story since I was 8, but didn't seriously get into it until the Cameron film. I'm always eager to hear from young Titaniacs, and there are several on this board. Yes it is great that two young Titaniacs could contribute to this beautiful site! And Phillips has only been the beginning for me. Over the summer I wrote biographies for the entire May / Odell party, and added a lot of information to the postal clerks. Hopefully it will be put on the site sometime!


Thats great. I started researching Jack when I was 16 and I've done bits of work on the two Harols too. I think it's good that there are a number of young people getting involved in proper research.


Just visited your site. Looks good; maybe later you could get it added to the links here. A good website on Jack Phillips would be great. Perhaps later I'll make one for my center of research: Jack Thayer. He has always been my personal favorite, as the first book on the sinking I ever read was based on his testimony. He's stuck to me ever since!

I think I saw you mention you were writing a book on the operators. Any clue as to when we can expect it, or is it still in its early stages? I want to write books someday, too.


I'm just about finished organising my notes into some legible format to start drafting it out. I still have lots of leads I want to follow up on all three Operators although most of my work is on Phillips. I hope also to include work on wider scale detailing the effects of Wireless on the Titanic Disaster.
Jack Thayer crops up in my research too, being on the same boat as Jack. He sounds interesting but I don't know too much about him as yet. Did he not commit suicide?
If you want to write a book then go for it. When I started it was sometimes hard to get people to take me seriously but I carried on anyway (Remember talking my way into certain research facilities because you had to be 18 to use them lol) Don't let your age stop you!


Hi Jemma, Hi Brandon!

If you want to write a book then go for it. When I started it was sometimes hard to get people to take me seriously but I carried on anyway (Remember talking my way into certain research facilities because you had to be 18 to use them lol) Don't let your age stop you!

That's only too true. Once I had to visit a museum archive with my granny because I needed a 'responsible adult' with me! There are also many occasions when I've had to make postal enquiries! Go for it!!!

Best regards,

Well, I'm 14 years old, so it's nice to know that you're never too young to start on something! Would be nice to see a really well-written website on Jack Phillips!

Ack, jah, Brandon is only 15 (not that I am much much older), but he is still fairly good on the Titanic, as far as I've heard. I just wish he'd trash the Ouija board!

God bless,
Hello Addison,

"I just wish he'd trash the Oujia board!"


I tried the thing once in my basement, got no results, and it is currently collecting dust on a shelf in the closet! That was $18 well-spent, but heck, it glowed in the dark! I might bring it back out tonight, there's been some peculiar odors coming from the bathroom!


I added 10 new pictures to www geocities com/senioroperatorjackphillips if anyone is interested in seeing them.


Good stuff there, Jemma! You're providing a superb visual context for Phillip's life - have you visited all those locales? (Galway??). Of course, I'm always partial to ship photos as well!

Good to see you've also added a guest book - I hope visitors from ET remember to sign in

~ Ing

Thanks for the feedback. Sad as it yes I've trekked round the lot lol. Galway was great. By conicidence the woman who I was booked to stay with had a daughter who lived right opposite the wireless station and they drove me about all over the place. Their other daughter lives in the same town as me so we all got on great. The shocking thing was you had to walk two miles across bog land to get to the site, and I ended up walking past all these bulls wearing a bright red jumper. I was terrified as I wasn't told till I got back that they were colour blind lol.