Jack Phillips

I have tried to find a site that has photographs of the actual distress messages sent by Titanic to other stations. I've not had much sucess so far, having come across photographs of only one - and even that was the same one as in a book I own!!! Does anyone have any ideas of where I should look? It's kinda eerie seeing a distress message as it was printed then, but also it puts an end to the variability of the messages sent which are apparent on so many sites. Take care all, stay safe x

I have a photograph of the "Amerika" message if you havn't seen it...

Jason, go to www marconicalling com I'm not sure exactly what messages it has, but it is authentic and includes radio logs of some of the ships.
Jemma - I would love to see that photo that you have :) and Dave, that website you mentioned was very good! I have only briefly flipped through the pages as I've got to go to work very soon but will look properly when I come back. Thanks all!!! x
Does anyone know what happened to Jack's family after the sinking? It would be interesting to know how his family coped with their loss, if they stayed together or went about their seperate ways etc etc
Hi Jason,

After the sinking Jacks family continued to live in Godalming. His Mother and father carried on managing the local drapers shop, his sister continued teaching and his other sister Ethel, who was incapacitated, lived with them nd worked in the drapers too. His parents retired a few years later and bought a house elsewhere in the town. My mind has gone blank but his sister Ethel and his mother died in the early 1920,s followed by his father George in 1928. His last direct relative, his sister Elsie, died in 1953, still living close to Godalming in a nursing home. Neither of his sisters had families. If you want to read a full(ish) length bio on Jack theres one at www nautical-papers com/onwatch that I wrote a couple of months ago

I believe Kitty was 17 when they got engaged. I believe they done the deed on her 17th birthday Oct 4th 1911 prior to Jack leaving for Belfast.
I have photos of Kitty if you would like attachments sent????
Thank you, Chris!
17 is pretty young! Jack was 24 and Kitty 17! Do you also know what Kitty's real name was? Can you please send me these photos?

p.s.: don't worry about my English!
Hi Cristina,
Just been in touch with my brother, he has tried tracing our family tree. Hence the photos etc.
My brothers name is Brian and he has much more information on the subject than myself, so I am sending you his e-mail address
[email protected]
I think you may find this information of interest
However if you find any difficulties in contacting him you can always come back to me and I'll copy his info onto my system and forward it on to you.
You may find our story interesting because it was a bit of a mystery as to who fathered our father. At one point we thought it may have been Jack, but I believe my brother has found this to be untrue.
Kitty's name was Kathleen and your English is very good, so dont worry about it.
Re: Phillips John George
Absolutely lovely to see all these extraordinary artefacts! My great grandmother was engaged to be married to jack phillips on his return from Titanic's maiden voyage. He never returned and she -Kitty- carried on wearing his deiamond solitaire engagement ring for many years untill my grandfather persuaded her to remove it. She gave the ring to my grandmother who some years later was in a rowing boat on Windermere when the ring mysteriously slipped off her finger and sank to the bottom of the lake.