Ken Marschall vs Simon Fisher breakup painting

I went and read the reviews after Arun recommended it. Some reviewers felt that it was geared more towards children. Its the story of 2 boys on Titanic. Many comments stated that it wasn't very detailed as far as history goes but all seem to agree that the artwork and cutaways were very very good...So?
I don't understand this "geared towards children" comment. The book is mainly for the art and does not pretend to deal with test details about the ship or the accident. It is meant to be a companion to those who have other books about the Titanic and have some background knowledge of the event.
SmileyGirl asked if it was a childrens book. I just passed on what some of the reviewers said on Amazon about it being like that. I'm not saying it is...just what the reviewers stated. I don't have and neither have I seen the book. I'm sure either way its a very good book for the illustrations alone. I'm glad you recommened it for people to check out. I did so Thank You.
Sorry Steven, I did not mean to sound abrupt with my previous post. I was just surprised that's all, since I never thought of it as a kid's book. If you like Marschall's paintings, I am sure you'll like those in this book.
Arun, I didn't take your post as being abrupt...just that you didn't understand the comment. It's all good. In my previous post I should have stated "but take any reviews you read on the internet where their selling something with a grain of salt".
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I went and read the reviews after Arun recommended it. Some reviewers felt that it was geared more towards children. Its the story of 2 boys on Titanic. Many comments stated that it wasn't very detailed as far as history goes but all seem to agree that the artwork and cutaways were very very good...So?

I have looked it up and ordered it. I have seen it before and I always felt it was a children’s book for some reason. But I should have got it anyway as anything by Ken Marschall is worth its weight in gold! I never realised he did the illustrations for this book :rolleyes:
Sorry Steven, I did not mean to sound abrupt with my previous post. I was just surprised that's all, since I never thought of it as a kid's book. If you like Marschall's paintings, I am sure you'll like those in this book.

I have ordered this as it is Ken Marschall illustrations, which I never realised. Thanks very much again for recommending Arun :)
I have always liked Ken Marschall paintings. He's a very talented artist. One of the books I have that I often thumb thru is "Titanic an Illustrated History" by Don Lynch. Its loaded with Ken's work. Really good paintings.

This is my favourite Titanic book because of the pictures. I like the painting on the front where it is all overcast. The ship just looks doomed. It’s so atmospheric.
Inside the Titanic is about 2 real-life boys who were on the Titanic and it is mostly for children; but it's good for all ages. I first read it when I was a child.

But my favorite books with illustrations by Ken Marschall are The Lost Ships of Robert Ballard and Ken Marschall's Art of the Titanic.