Ken Marschall's Titanic 2001 Expedition Report

Mr Marschall:

It is my hope that you are still active as a participant of the ET forum.

I wanted to extend to you, what I feel to be the highest of compliment in regards to your work.
I have on display a framed print of yours..."Farewell to Southampton" (BTW, my favorite) Anyhow a friend of mine noticed the print and asked..."Is that the Titanic?", of which I replied..."Yes", my friend continued with..."I did'nt think they had color film back then".

And, if you would repsond Ken please...what is the most *moving* feature of the Titanic wreck (current state). As far as touching on your emotions.

With my hat off to you...I thank you again.

Respectively yours,

Michael Cundiff

In regards to general excavating of the wreck site. What I feel to be the most educational (For the Titanic community) would be to exhume the
mound of sediment afront the fore starboard bow plates, in close proximity of the 30' diameter breech. The result of Titanic's intital impact with the seabed in April 1912.

I feel it important to our needs that we know, beyond the shawdow of a doubt, what the terminal damage inflicted to Titanic, as a result of collison with ice.

I for one, hold an open reservation of opinion as for the finds of Dr. Mathias. For, any common sense thinker would deduce that, these 3/4" x various length horizontal wounds revealed by the EOSCAN technology may have been as a result of impact with the sea bottom as well. Considering that the sediment rate (According to Dr. Ballard) is a 1 centimeter gatheriing per 1000 years!..

Michael Cundiff
Carson City, NV
Hi Ken!

If you don't mind folks, I would like to add my five eggs in now.

There is no doubt, during these last couple of weeks or so, and I'm sure I nearly speak for everybody on this forum who has been closely monitoring your updates Ken, we feel deeply privileged and honoured at knowing that a legend in the Titanic Community, has join us.

However, I would just like to ask one question please.

>>Is there any plans that you Ken, and Rick Archbold are going to collaborate by putting the knowledge your sharing with us into a book format?


Andrew W.
What was the farthest that the 2001 expedition penetrated into the wreck? Does anyone know if the ROV's explored any very well known passenger's cabins and if so, what did they find?

Mr. Marschall, I greatly appreciated your detailed and descriptive analysis of what you saw at the wreck. Do you have any plans to become involved in any kind of book relatated to what was seen? I agree with others that say some before and after shots would be interesting. I can imagine that after all of your research involving the Titanic that the opportunity to go down to the wreck and view images from deep inside must have been a tremendous experience. It is nice that someone so dedicated and knowledgable to the Titanic such as yourself had the opportunity to go to the wreck and participate in this expedition.

On another note, I find it this entire expedition to explore the interior of the wreck incredible. The inside of the wreck and the condition of the rooms has always intrigued me. I always wished that there were more photographs of the interior of the Titanic existing from before she sank. More images from inside the wreck will help me understand more about the areas undocumented by cameras in 1912. I sincerely hope that underwater pictures from this expedition are published in a book.


N. Good
Dear Ken,
Hello, how are you? I just wanted to thank you for your detailed report on the recent expedition to the Titanic. I have always admired your artistic talent and the work and research you have done regarding the physical details of the Titanic, and the expedition report was very, very interesting. It answered many questions that I had regarding the physical condition of the wreck. I share your hope that the swimming pool and turkish bath of the ship can be explored on a future expedition. It is very good to see you on the message board, and thank you for taking the time to reply to our questions and posts.
All my best,
Tad Fitch
mr marschall i would like to say how much i enjoyed reading your report about the recent titanic expidition and i was wondering is the grand staircase in the same condition as you saw it the first time in 1986 or has it changed a lot and i would like to know how did you did the famous paintings of the wreckage of time magazine before you even saw it for the first time and i have a book called titanic an illistrated history by don lynch and it features drawings and paintings by you and i want you to know that i enjoyed reading the book and i would recommend that book to anyone who love the titanic thanks for your time jennifer mueller
Dear Mr. Marschall,
Over the years, I have received a great deal of happiness (and learned a lot as well), by studying your paintings. I want to thank you for adding so much to my study of TITANIC.
I also would like to thank you for such a detailed, fascinating report on the latest expedition down to her resting place. I learned a great deal by reading it and it has only increased my interest in learning more about her and her people. Again, thank you.
Is there a web address i can refer to friends to get immediate access to Ken's writeup?

Ive been refering them to the ET mainpage, but there must be a web address that takes us directly to the writeup.

Anyone know the address?


Tarn Stephanos