Lightoller BBC interview

Hi everyone!

I've been a long time lurker on this site, and decided to finally join because for the first time, I think I have something useful to contribute! I do hope that I am doing this right, so please feel free to correct me if I am not.

I just thought that you should know there is a fascinating account of the Titanic sinking available on YouTube as told by the real Charles Lightoller. I'll warn you, the poster decided to add in music in the background which is a little disarming at first, but you learn to ignore it fairly quickly. Besides, its worth the extra effort to hear what he really sounds like!

Anyways, here is the link.

I hope this helps!
Hi Kate!

You can find that part of the interview also on CD without the stupid music and much more interviews like from Boxhall, Eva Hart, Millvina Dean, Rostron etc. The CD is called "That Fateful Night - True Stories of Titanic survivors in their own words!".
It is some time ago I listen into the CD. If I remember right there is a small summary of his life and I think it is his son or nephew who gave an interview. So maybe of interest for you? ;-)
Also Sir Andrew Duff Gordon, I think nephew of Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon and a few others.
Oh, wow! I'll certainly have to get a copy of it now!

I just can't help it, I find myself so fascinated by these people! I'm interested in the ship of course, but at the end of the day its just a steel hull - its the people aboard the Titanic that made it titanic!
I was having a quick look.
There are interviews (or parts of them) with

Edith Russel
Charles Lightoller
Joseph Boxhall
Arthur Rostron
Eva Hart
Millvina Dean
Edwina Trout-Mac Kenzie
Robert Ballard
James Cameron
Simon Fisher
Walter Lord
Sir Andrew Duff Gordon (nephew of Sir Cosmo Duff Gordon)
John Booth
Tim Lightoller (nephew of Charles Lightoller)

There is also another CD called "Titanic-Survivors in their own voice (1935-1980)"
It includes the sound of Titanics whistles which were raised by RMS Titanic Inc.
Interviews or part of them with;

Edwina Troutt-Mac Kenzie
Frederick Kenyon
Eva Hart
Edith Rosenbaum
Joseph Boxhall
Harry Todd
Michel Navratil
and more
This again is a 2 CD set but one of it is in French, so some of the interview are not in English!
Hope it helps.
Looks like the "new" interviews haven't been heard for five decades then! Hopefully copies can be made once my friend who found the interviews recovers; he's apparently very ill at the moment.


Do be careful with those French CDs. The producers were gullible and have included interviews with some of the usual fantasists who were never anywhere near the Titanic. These include the recollections of 'Quartermaster John Butler who was in charge of lifeboat 7', 'Monsieur Philipona who was in Captain Smith's service', and 'steward Arthur Hay' who recounts how he left the ship by jumping 200 feet from the boat deck and landing on his head on the ice. Yeah, right!
Oh, come on Trevor! That would be way to historically accurate for their tastes! ;)

Now if it was a cat PRETENDING to be a dog on board the Titanic, then I'm sure they would take it! :p