
Ta for posting that link, Sam. Have had an ambition to hunt up the Sundowner for some time, and it's conveniently located near Broadstairs (connected with another of the Titanic's officers rather tenuously). Might have to organise a trip to beautiful East Kent soonishly. Have come across other Dunkirk commemorative plaques on boats recently - the 'Regal Lady', which regularly ploughs out of Scarborough on hour long mini-cruises, has one. I've always rather regretted that the final boat Lowe owned, which was still moored in the river Conway at the time of his death, isn't around today in the care of a maritime trust.

At the bottom of the link you posted it reads:

"The East Kent Maritime Trust is a member of the World Ship Trust, an organization which encourages and supports the work of ship preservation around the world. To learn more about the fascinating range of vesels they are associated with visit them at..."

Wouldn't this Trust Company make an excellent source for Nomadic's preservation project?

Hi Teri!

I noticed that link myself and sent them a load of info regarding the Nomadic. I hadn't heard of them before; let's hope they can give us some help, or at the very least advice. BTW, check your mail - I've sent something pretty cool!

Inger - Perhaps you could take a load of photo's of the "Sundowner", I for one would love to see more of her!


Hi Sam!

Got your email, thanks.

Yes let's hope they can give us some help or advice. You will be sure to keep us apprised of the matter on the Nomadic thread, won't you?


Hi Teri,

I've just posted the WST's reply to my mail on the Nomadic thread.

Hi Pat - what a beautiful pic! They've obviously done a great job on her down in Kent. Looks like quite a cosmopolitan little marina as well!


Great photo of the Sundowner Pat. It's quite a testement to Ligtoller's courage that he got 135 people away from Dunkirk on a craft that small...and under hostile fire yet!

Michael H. Standart
That ONLY 130 doesn't count any incidental crew does it? Either way, it must have been really cozy aboard that thing!

Michael H. Standart
Is there any truth in the anecdote about the squaddie who on hearing that the ships master was the Titanic's second officer declared he would jump overboard and take his chances?
Apparently his pals advised him that if he was able to get through the Titanic disaster he should be regarded as a lucky charm.....and of course Sundowner made it safely home from Dunkirk.


Hi, Sam

I've heard that story, but have no idea if it's true. I would consider it to be classically apocryphal-- if it isn't true, it ought to be.

Pat Winship
Good to see that a recent restoration was done with the Sundowner. Even better to see that she's getting around under her own power. I just wonder if the £40,000 spent on the job was adaquate.
"(and wasn't that spectacular?)"

Yes, it sure was! I saw it on the news and was thinking how wonderful it would have been to see it in person.

I'm pleased as well to see that the Sundowner had a restoration. Hopefully it was enough, as Mike said.