Titanic Lounge 3D Model Rework


I don't know if you ever read the TRMA message board, but the Lounge windows were discussed there not too long ago and I believe the elevation of the windows was mentioned. I can't remember it, so you may want to check it out.

The Lounge windows were 7ft 5in tall, which is 89", not 77". While the Lounge height was given at 147", that is the extreme height. You have to take into account the depth of the beams which was at least 5.5in, then the thickness of the metal deck, the flooring and the ceiling panels and you'd probably end up with an interior height of 139" give or take.


I know that carpet looks good and now that the shadow has been removed also, but I just had to say something. The carpet was green and gold, and that is really the wrong design for it.

Hi Daniel,

Well that was a sample from James Cameron's Titanic Dinning saloon set, so I guess that the Dinning room carpet was not that from the lounge. I think the carpet in Tripp's model appears so dark because of the lack of light in the model.
hey guys, i went back and resized the windows (and mirrors) to what you suggested daniel, and i also checked the TRMA message boards to get the correct elevation. i'm currently scratchbuilding the doors for the room. that in itself is kinda tricky considering i have no clear images of what the doors look like. i know the tops are more oval than circular. i'll post a render of the aft doors as soon as i finish.

The carpet in Tripp's model at the moment was used in the Reception Room in JC's movie. The colors in the Lounge in the room on Titanic were predominantly gold(/yellow?) and green, I'm sure hints of other colors were used as well, but the carpet in the model has too much red & is the wrong pattern.

Also those were not mirrors it was glass, much like in the paneling between the Reception and Dining rooms. This 'window' in the lounge dividing wall was part of the metal structure and was somewhat oblong in shape. However the designers used it as a window. The measurement given for it (the opening) is 3ft 11in wide, but would have been a little narrower due to paneling.


The images I have of the Lounge make those windows look as if they are mirrors. Perhaps the glass was very reflective or I'm completely mental? I set the width of the openings for the divider windows to 42in, the same as the larger of the Lounge windows. All of the windows have been set to the proper elevation, only I have not raised the wall height yet to accomodate this change. I'm still not sure what would be a proper height to set the ceiling at, so I'm putting that off as long as possible. As for the carpeting and other fabrics, would anyone by chance have color images of what might would be more fitting? The program lets me take "squares" of different patterns of things and make it into textures to use. I did that earlier this year with the Dining Saloon model I had been working on. Here are a few renders from last night (including a corrected divider wall).


Note: The middle two are before the "mirror" was removed. Also, the curtains hanging in the windows in the background were just a test.

A rough draft of the front entrance to the lounge. I also decided to fiddle a bit with some moulding just to see how something different from what comes standard in the program might would look. I'm a little unhappy with how the panes in the doors turned out. When I made the rear doors of the lounge I was able to get them to be rectangular in shape, but that was not the case with the front doors.
>>I expect they have expired.<<

Actually, it's more likely that they were simply lost. There was a problem with the forum software a bit over a year ago, and quite a bit of material simply vanished into the cyber-eather.
actually i figured nobody viewed this thread anymore so i deleted them to save space on my photobucket account. sorry