Titanic: Memories of a Maiden Voyage by George Behe

George Behe has a new book available through lulu.com. Its title is "On Board RMS Titanic," and it's described as follows:
A collection of letters, postcards and memoirs written by passengers and crewmen before, during and after the Titanic's tragic maiden voyage.​

Details appear here.​
This one is sure to be a "must have" for the serious Titanic researcher or enthusiast. I've seen some of George's postcard collection and it's impressive to say the least.
Just in time for the blizzard, George Behe's book came. I can guarantee you, it will give the reader many hours of pleasure.

The book, which runs about 550 pages takes the reader through each day of the voyage. The amount of rare material, not published in books before is amazing and greatly adds to Titanic's story.

So far, I've only seen it available through Lulu.com but I have feeling, due to it's excellent content, it will be found in other venues.
I received my copy today, and I'll second Mike P.'s comments. This is a terrific book, presenting only the words of those who were there, with no commentary or analysis (something that I, for one, think is a VERY good thing). It's the first book in at least several years that I'd call a "must have" for those interested in what happened on board that night.

I received my copy a few days ago and I noticed in the "other books by this author" page that Mr. Behe has another book out this year "Carpathia and The Titanic". I looked for it on Lulu.com but could not find it. Does anyone know when this book is going to be released?

(Sorry if this is off topic. Moderators feel free to post in a new thread if necessary)
George Behe's new book, "On Board RMS Titanic" is a triumph. I recommend it to people interested in the people of Titanic--their own words, written usually to loved ones while on board and just following the disaster. He includes an addendum describing what circumstances led to their being aboard. It's a wonderful read, and a great resource, complete with index.
I have just received a copy of 'On Board RMS Titanic'.

I have to say this is one of the best Titanic books I have ever purchased. It makes for compulsive reading. I must congratulate George Behe on tracking down so many invaluable documents and editing them so thoughtfully.

Quite simply the best Titanic book published for years.

On Board RMS Titanic : Memories of the Maiden Voyage


Peter Engberg reviews George Behe's compilation of letters written aboard RMS Titanic
I have just received a copy of 'On Board RMS Titanic'.

I have to say this is one of the best Titanic books I have ever purchased. It makes for compulsive reading. I must congratulate George Behe on tracking down so many invaluable documents and editing them so thoughtfully.

Quite simply the best Titanic book published for years.

I'd like to obtain this book. This title isn't on Lulu any longer. It is listed as coming soon on Amazon. Anyone know if that's the case? Thanks!
I'd like to obtain this book. This title isn't on Lulu any longer. It is listed as coming soon on Amazon. Anyone know if that's the case? Thanks!

September 1 in the UK and December 1 in the US, right? I'm hoping that's the case - Amazon seems to be very good about their projected publishing date. It might be worth it to email the publisher.

I'm curious as to whether it'll pop up in ebook format somewhere, or whether it's the type of book that should be published and read in a paper format. I'm looking forward to it either way.
Hes anyone read Titanic: Memories of a Maiden Voyage by George Behe? It sounds interesting and if good, I'll try to get the hardcover copy.
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A very good book. I certainly enjoyed it greatly.

Behe's concept is so simple and yet brilliant. The reader "gets to know" the people who were on board the ship entirely through their own personal papers.

Crucially it's not one of these books that just fawns solely over the first class passengers either. Second class, third class and the ship's crew are all included and their stories treated with equal importance.

George Behe has also included for every person who had their letters, postcards and diary entries featured in the book a mini-biography at the end.

You'll love it, especially if your interested in the "social history" of the disaster.
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Thanks. I always thought that Second Class passengers were the most interesting of the lot. As you say, a well weighted coverage is what I am after. Will order the hardcover.
Thanks. I always thought that Second Class passengers were the most interesting of the lot. As you say, a well weighted coverage is what I am after. Will order the hardcover.

Although it's the ship's crew I'm more interested in I do very much agree that of the passengers, the second class lot definitely have the most interesting (and even mysterious) characters among them.

The Becker family, Lawrence Beesley, Father Thomas Byles, William H. Harbeck & Henriette Yvois, the Hart family, Masabumi Hosono, the Navratil's to name but a few. All very curious, intriguing people.