Titanic Psychic Forewarnings of a Tragedy by Behe

Now, I will have to search for the Behe Book,
" Be-He, The Countess...."
Hi, Colleen!

>Why is it I get the odd stuff for presents?!

At last! A fair and honest appraisal of the book! :)

>Do you have a favorite story out of the book?

Bertha Mulvihill's story about Eugene Daly has always made a big impression on me. (As you know, Daly dreamt repeatedly during the maiden voyage that the Titanic would sink before she reached America; on the evening of April 14th, right before he left his friends for the evening, he told them that the Titanic would sink *that night.*) Chilling.

I'm glad you enjoyed the book, Colleen. :)

All my best,

George, here in the UK our very own tributary of Amazon.com are offering 'Lost at Sea' by Michael Behe and George Goss. Hope they get the names right on the cheques! The US branch of Amazon have two copies of 'Psychic Forewarnings' on offer, one for $34.50 and another for $1,754.50 (really). That must be the copy personally signed by yourself and Captain Smith!

Best Regards,
Hi, Bob!

For $1,754.50 a shopper could buy the actual *author* of 'Psychic Forewarnings!' :)

(Kyrila, could you please contact me privately? Thanks very much.)

All my best,

Bob. The other book you mentioned, "Lost at sea" was my anniversary present, 2 weeks ago. I didn't know this one existed, so was quite a surprise! I was going to open up a thread on ET as soon as I finished it. Unfortunately, Robert took possession of it. (No pun intended)
>>>>For $1,754.50 a shopper could buy the actual *author* of 'Psychic Forewarnings!<<<< LOL!!!!!Best laugh I've had all day!
Colleen, if you're interested in George's offer you'd better move fast - Kyrila is already clearing a space in her display cabinet next to the Franklin Mint doll collection! But my advice is to haggle over that price.
I'm sorry, Kyrila, but getting George off the Dew would destroy Western civilization as we know it.

First, no Dew for George would send their sales plummeting 50% (the other 50% is my son). Large numbers of Dew People would then be out of work, the stock would plummet, other stocks would soon follow - you can see where I'm going with this.

No, we cannot chance it. George and the Dew are inseparable.
Well, $1754.50 sounds reasonable enough, but remember, his Dewski consumption is about equal to that... per month.
But, wouldn't that about beat all, over on the other thread about a "Titanic room"? I can see it now, "Oh ya, that's George Behe propped up in the corner of my Titanic room, next to the IV of Dewski" ;-)
Why does this thread tend to run off course so easily? Fiona is tapping her foot, arms crossed as we speak!
OK. I'll be good...
Getting back on track again... George, since this writing, how many more accounts have you come upon, and could add to an updated version, and since the original writing, have their been any revelations that would give you names, of several of the accounts that were nameless?
Hi, Colleen and Kyrila!

You could always stand me in the corner with my arm outstretched and my hand holding a nice selection of cigars for your guests. (Feathered headdress would be optional, of course.) :)

>how many more accounts have you come upon, and >could add to an updated version,

I'm afraid I couldn't tell you right off the bat, Colleen; all of my 'new' psychic accounts are stashed away in boxes along with hundreds and hundreds of other unsorted photocopies, microfilm printouts and assorted detritus. (Every ten years or so I sit down and organize my unsorted and unfiled papers whether they need it or not.) :)

>and since the original writing, have their been >any revelations that would give you names, of >several of the accounts that were nameless?

Not that I recall. However, info has come to light which proves that the Mulvihill/Eugene "Ryan" account was indeed referring to Eugene Daly just like I suspected; also, a short quote from Patrick O'Keefe's letter to his father has surfaced in recent years (the letter in which he told his father about the odd feeling that almost caused him to cancel his passage on the Titanic.)

One of these days I'll have to sit down and sort through all of this 'new' stuff so that I can access it when I need to do so.

All my best,
