Titanic Safety Speed and Sacrifice by George Behe

Apparently I missed this thread when it started, but I'd just like to inject my own sentiments here. George's monograph really is first-rate -- original, exciting, and exceptionally well-researched. It's only a shame it's often hard to find.

I agree that the secondary nature of *some* of the sources does muddy the water a little. But I think George did an excellent job of selecting and editing his materials according to general reliability. And, true to form, Behe doesn't ram anything down the reader's throat; he merely presents his evidence and elaborates on what it may well suggest -- an admirably scholarly trait.

The funniest thing about "T:S,S,&S" is that when I first got it (from Amazon), I was disheartened by its slender size. But that thought never recurred *after* I'd read it. It's really quite a treasure.

The book's size and price is the reason I did not originally buy it back in 1999 when it was readily available to me. I'm now kicking myself for not doing so, as after having read some of George's work I know his research and works are absolutely excellent and worth every dollar that they cost. Oh well, I did not know George or his work back in 1999 -- I wish I did.
I apologize for the late post in this thread. That being said, I have George's book T:S,S&S in my library. When my copy arrived from Amazon.com I was surprised at the slender volume. Do not let the size fool you, dynamite comes in small packages.

George lays out his evidence and lets the reader ultimately decide what to believe. The information is tightly structured and well thought out. I did not have a problem with 'secondary sources', and some of the more 'hearsay' evidence. This book is definitely thought provoking and thorough.

Over the years I have purchased 5 copies and gave them to school students I have mentored. These are young people that became interested in Titanic via the movie. This is a great book to get them started.

What a great idea!

I highly recommend this book because of George's solid academic approach: hypothesis supported by logic and convincing evidence.

Best wishes,

Hi, Susan and Cathy!

Thanks very much for your kind words. (There's nothing like getting the young ones started on highly controversial information that will taint their entire 'Titanic outlook' from that point onwards.) ;-)

All my best,

Well George, once the young 'uns get a taste of controversy in your book, we can rope the unsupecting kiddies in here for some of the really fun stuff!
Well George, I have never divulged to the 'kiddies' that the author of such a fine volume has dressed in a carrot costume and guzzles 'dewskies' by the gallon!
Look at it this way, I would rather get them started learning Titanic controversy than current political events
It was connected with my very first swig of Mountain Dew. The next morning I woke up lying in the gutter; fifteen empty Dewski bottles were scattered around me and I was clad in a mysterious carrot costume - origin unknown. (I've been going steadily downhill ever since; in fact, you'll have to pardon me while I head to the refrigerator for a moment -- I've got the shakes again.) :)
George and his passion for Dewskis have been legend (to those who've met him and to those others of us who know of it only via ET). But it wasn't brought home (literally) to me until a week or so ago when his latest much appreciated care package arrived. Yep, there attached to a ream of Titanic goodies was (I'm assuming) the trademark calling card of The Behe - a stick-it note with the Mountain Dew logo stamped on it!
Hi, Deborah!

Nope -- I think I'll stick with a real he-man's drink. :)

Hi, Randy!

That tablet of stick-it notes came to me courtesy of Colleen Collier -- another notorious Dewski afficianado. She also sent me some Dewski drinking mugs, model racing cars bearing the Dewski logo, a model semi with Dewski advertising on the trailer, and many other assorted goodies. (You should see me sitting on the living room floor playing with my cars and trucks every evening -- I hardly have time to visit ET any more.) :)

By the way, Randy, that Gracie material you sent me recently has had some far-reaching affects on my perception of the sinking (as you might have noticed in another thread.) Thanks very much for helping to shake up my complacency and for making me take a cold, hard look at the traditional (and perhaps now outmoded) view of how long it took the Titanic to sink.

All my best,

George and Randy,

By the way, Randy, that Gracie material you sent me recently has had some far-reaching affects on my perception of the sinking (as you might have noticed in another thread.) Thanks very much for helping to shake up my complacency and for making me take a cold, hard look at the traditional (and perhaps now outmoded) view of how long it took the Titanic to sink.

Sounds interesting! Which thread? And if it's not giving away state secrets, what Gracie material?

Inquiring minds want to know.
