Tributes to Walter Lord

Have put together a format for posting tributes for Walter. Hope you may all take a few minutes to drop a line. I will try to include as much as I can fit for each submission-this will be linked into the home site, sent to Walter's friends and registered to search engines. You know I have to have music- the jazz rendition of what you will hear is I'll Be Seeing You. Email address to send tributes is on the page. Thanks.
So do I John. Were it not for Walter, the Titanic's story may well have ended up as a little remembered footnote in the history books. I noticed the Michael Koch has something up on the board now. Way to go Mike!

Michael H. Standart
Thanks, Michael S. BTW, what are the dates for that conference in Topeka? Maybe, I could talk my wife in letting me go, if I'm good =-)

Have a good day!

Michael Koch
The Technical Event in Topeka is scheduled for the 20th to the 24th of September of this year and the details can be found in the Let's Meet Folder.

I hope to see you there.

ADDENDUM: I just saw Pat Cook's tribute. Well said Pat!

Michael H. Standart
Am happy to say we have added another page to the incoming tributes- just click at the top of the first tribute page- on where it says (Page 2) to go to the next. We have an original musical composition from one of our ET members going on this weekend. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and leave a message.
I like it.

Michael H. Standart
Wow! Thanks, Shell and all.

I don't even recall how I came up with the idea, to tell you the truth. It just seemed right, as I mulled over Walter's departure, and evolved from there.

But I was pretty amazed when Shelley talked about the singing of "Auld Lang Syne" at the memorial service. (It was actually "finished" by then.)

Great composition John, Truly a masterpiece and Shelley?...a truly masterful website as usual..
I shall gaze upon it when I have more time, have bookmarked it for that purpose. Thanks to You Shelley, Walter will live on....

Wonderful tributes by all! Mine is up now.

John: That's a great tribute to Walter.

Shelley, you have created an absolutely terrific site!

Best regards,
