Walter Lord

This tribute can be listed in the CREW RESEARCH Section, too.

I think we all owe a special "THANK YOU" to Walter Lord, for the great work that he did.

Think about "what might have been" had Walter Lord not painstakingly researched all his information, if "A Night to Remember" had not been published.

"Thank you, Walter".
"Rest in Peace".

John Clifford
Thank you Walter Lord, your work on A Night To Remember' was deeply appreciated. Thank you for the doors of enlightenment and insight it created for me.

I shall always remember your gift.
Rest in Peace.
I cannot believe a month has come and gone since my dear friend Walter Lord died. It's still like something out of a bad dream. I was privileged to be at the NY Historical Society's tribute in Walter's memory on June l0 and the place was packed! The memorial was simple, elegant and very dignified--just like the man himself. However, I was outraged by the tepid media coverage and the disgraceful postage stamped size obituaries. The NY Times was competent and, naturally, the Baltimore Sun had the best coverage (the "local boy makes good angle"). But Walter's passing went almost unnoticed by the Daily News, NY Newsday and the NY Post.

How about some feedback from the rest of the country? How was Walter Lords's passing treated.
It was also a small "deaths of note" in the Charlotte Observer. Sadly, it seems when you reach old age, the media treats you as if you are less than human. I would have thought that Anne Morrow Lindbergs death last year would have gotten more coverage than it did, after all the was famous in her own right having written many books including "Gift From The Sea" which spent many weeks as the top seller in the 1950's. Yes, I was also saddened that Walter Lord's passing didn't get as much media attention as it should have.
Darren, I do agree that it is a shame that it didn't get as much info as we would have liked, but I don't really think he was "forgotten". With so many big stories out now, ex.(Middle East bombings, terror warnings, wildfires) it is the medias job to keep reporting those. That is what the population is concerned about right now. People are worried about so many other things. I think that when they turn the news on they want to see whats concerning them in the world. Walter Lord, I think was an exellent man and should and probally never will be forgotten. He will be remembered and his death is a sad thing but you have to see why the media goes and reports other things
First off, my family has "written off" the local news groups, as well as the network newscasts, as far as quality is concerned (but that's another topic, not to be discussed here).

That said, I was touched that Walter Lord's obituary was noted, on the PBS news show "The News Hour With Jim Lehrer".
Jim Lehrer read the story, and emphasized "A Night To Remember"; that I am thankful for.

We subscribe to the NEW YORK TIMES, which did carry the story.
The LOS ANGELES TIMES carried his story, in a well-written article, but it was in the Wednesday papers; not bad, but I had figured the LA TIMES had forgotten to carry the story.
I didn't see if it was carried in any of the other LA-area papers, most of which aren't "high-caliber" (but, again, "that's an off-topic").

BTW, I made sure to save both the NY & LA TIMES stories/obituaries.

John Clifford
"The (London) Times" published an obituary on Walter Lord in its 29 May 2002 edition on page 30.
It is reported to be about 1200 words in length and is illustrated with a photograph of Walter. He is stated to "have forged lasting friendships with many Titanic survivors, and accumulated, thanks to them, a substantial collection of Titanic memorabilia,includin g books, photographs and paintings, to be given to the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich". I am not aware of any other British newspaper publishing such an obituary.
I have a challenge for everybody--can you name all of Walter Lord's books. remember, he didn't just write A Night To Remember--he was a globetrotter who traveled around the world for material for his books. Prior to the advent of this necessary evil called the Internet, it was a necessity to do the hard research yourself regardless of the perils involved. Remember, Walter Lord also invented that you-are-there approach to research.
The only other one I know besides A Night to Remember is The Night Lives On. I know he wrote a book based on the events of Pearl Harbor, although the title escapes me.

This man will definitely be missed; he made the historic figures seem so real it was as if you almost knew them. One of the things I found so remarkable about him was how he managed to track down sixty survivors and interview them all. That was certainly no small feat! Had he not interviewed them back then, we might have never heard their story in their words. I am grateful for what he did concerning Titanic.

God bless you Walter!


thanks for the Washington Post link. a very appropriate writeup and a moving tribute. I think they are wrong about the number of books he wrote though. the article says he wrote 13 books, but as far as I know he wrote 12.

for the record, Walter Lord wrote the following books, in order of publication:

The Fremantle Diary. 1954. (technically, he edited this one!)
A Night to Remember. 1955.
Day of Infamy. 1957.
The Good Years, from 1900 to the First World War. 1960.
A Time to Stand. 1961.
Peary to the Pole. 1963.
The Past that Would Not Die. 1965.
Incredible Victory. 1967.
Dawn's Early Light. 1972.
Lonely Vigil: Coastwatchers of the Solomons. 1977.
The Miracle of Dunkirk. 1982.
The Night Lives On. 1986.

if anyone knows of a title I missed, please let me know!

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T
Thanks Beverly!

I had not read the Washington Times appreciation. It was very moving. I did get a kick out of the last bit though - wouldn't Edith Russell have loved being called a "young girl?"
