Yellow Hull Stripe?


New member here- excited to be part of the Titanic community!

I know most conventional renderings of the Titanic show the yellow stripe between the black and white portions of the ship. I believe this was a common design for the White Star fleet at the time.

It's obviously more difficult to tell without natural color photographs, but it appears that some of the pictures of her maiden voyage do not show the yellow stripe (Francis Browne images, for example). I've read thoughts both ways on the subject. Can anyone provide more insight into this?
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Welcome to the board Ryno. You are correct that in many pictures, especially Father Browne's pics that it doesn't appear there is a lighter color for the sheer line. One of his pics might show a shade variation but it's up to one's perception I guess. Looks to me like there is variation but I'm not sure. Some say it has to do with how the cameras and black and white film worked in those days. But most sources say she had the yellow sheer line painted. It was only 10-12 inches wide from what I've read. And it's pretty well documented that Olympic had her sheer line painted lower sometime in the 1920's than it had been before. I'm sure someone here knows more about it if they want to chime in. Cheers.
Titanic had her sheer line painted. Seeing is believing. Look at the attached photo.

View attachment 113530

Thanks Bob- I appreciate you attaching that photo. Definitely harder to tell with black and white camera technology. The line also appears to be thinner than what many graphical depictions make it out to be. I'm getting ready to start a 1/200 scale model, so wanting to make sure I have it as detailed as possible. Thanks!
On the real ship the width of the sheer line was 10-1/4 inches. It thinned at the ends to about 8 inches wide from about the well decks forward and aft.
My family had a model of Titanic and I remember it having a yellow sheer line. The model was owned by an uncle of mine and it was passed onto him. Was made around Titanic's time. I have no idea where it is now.
Welcome aboard

Not exactly what you’re asking for but here’s some of the sheer than can be seen today on parts of the wreck
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