If there are any human remains in the wreck where do you think they are

Paul Lee

My personal hunch is boiler room 4, which flooded with people inside. I would also have said the Marconi room, as Bride and Philips attacked someone who was stealing one of their lifejackets and they left him for dead - but I gather no human remains have been found there.

For some reason, I think Annie Isham may also have been in her cabin when the ship went down, as no-one saw her that night. Just an idea though!



I'm not sure I am clear on the question...are we talking about finding human remains now...in 2004? In any case, I would say that all traces of human remains are long, long gone.
I'd have to agree that there would exist no traces of human remains inside the wreck, and even if they did exist I don't think they'd ever be seen by anyone for the same reason that a lot of interior furnishings haven't been seen. The Cameron report notes how a lot of items are covered in rust and silt which makes it hard to identify them and human remains, if they still existed, would have to be at the bottom of any such piles.
Bob Ballard was on Larry King Live, at the time the Movie Titanic was released,and he commented on one of his expeditions they saw some bones in an area where the crew would have been located. It has been too long ago for me to remember the exact location.
The original National Geographic "Discovery of the Titanic" DVD has a little interview with Bob Ballard. In that interview he states that he was convinced that he hadn't seen any remains until months after when they found the shoes.
I have that episode of Larry King on tape from December 24, 1997, and don't see where Ballard said that....did he happen to do two interviews?
>>on one of his expeditions they saw some bones in an area where the crew would have been located<<

Confabulation on Dr. Ballard's part, perhaps? It's not as if he's anymore immune to seeing things that aren't there then anyone else is. Still, if he has photographic evidence to support this, I'd like to see it. It would be an interesting discovery if it turned out he was right.
I'd like to see the actual quotes...I don't deny that he could have said it...BUT...this is a quote from a message board from a quote from a message board from a quote...so on and so on...

Perhaps the actual transcripts of the Larry King show are available. I actually looked into this but the interview was no longer in the CNN archives...but maybe somebody has the transcripts saved?
I just watched the CNN program again, and Ballard does NOT say he saw any physical human remains. He explained that the ocean is undersaturated in calcium, "so bones dissolve." But in his next breath, he said that if you could venture "deep" into the engine rooms, "you'll, you'll find skeletons." He says this in the tone that it's almost with certainty that deep within the wreck, there are still intact bones yet to be discovered. Personally, the water inside the wreck is the same as outside the wreck - undersaturated in calcium. i would think the remains that may have been inside would face the same dissolution fate as those outside....
That is why I went back to the primary source, the program itself. What I described above is directly from the show, which aired December 24, 1997, just a week after the movie premiered.

I also wish to clarify my above statement. I intended to remark:

"Personally, I would imagine the water inside the wreck is the same as outside the wreck - undersaturated in calcium. I would think the remains that may have been inside would face the same dissolution fate as those outside...."
Due to the fact that someone else evidently heard the same thing I did (which I previously posted the link to) I still am questioning the total validity.

I do not like being that way but until I see the actual facts its hard for me to buy.
You're questioning the validity of the transcript?

Sorry, but if Robert Ballard really saw any human remains, he would have been the first to trumpet that loudly and I can think of one person who has since passed on who would have jumped over that in an instant.
From the linked web site, the person wrote:

"Ballard then went on to say that they did see skeletons in the engine room (inside the wreck). "

No, Ballard did not say that. I have the actual December 24, 1997 CNN Larry King program itself in front of me. Again, I refer to my post above, and go into direct quotation below; the moment being questioned from the program:

King asked Ballard about bodies. Ballard mentions that the ocean at great depth is under-saturated in the compound calcium carbonate, which is his reasoning why no skeletons were seen.
Cameron: "But, *we* didn't see bones." (referring to his 1995 filming expedition) His tone suggests agreement with Ballard that any traces of physical remains are gone.
Ballard: "But if you got deep into the ship; if you got into the engine room, got - you'll...you'll find skeletons."

I apologize if culling these quotes is violating any copyright.

This above is not hearsay, or trying to recall what was said months or years after... it's verbatim.

Hope this clears things up.