Frederick Fleet

Hi My Grandmar was Eva Fleet her mother and father is Samuel and Constance Fleet and all from Merseyside, Samuel was around the same age of Alice Fleet so trying to find out if we are connected or if any1 out there thinks they may be conected to myself. Marie
Hi All, I am new to the board and have been a big Titanic buff for quite a while now. I have been reading a lot here on this board for a while now and have picked up a lot of great information. I know quite a bit about Fleet but I was wondering if anybody out there has done any research with Fred's life than what is already pretty much known. I know Titanic Voices has a lot of good stuff (which is a book I plan on purchasing soon) also there are a few Commutators out there that have some info on him which I am looking for as well). If anybody has anything to share that I might be able to use that would be great, thanks!

I am looking for a copy of Frederick Fleet's Birth and Death Certificates. Does anyone out there have copies of them, if so could you please email me copies? I know all the basics on Fred's life after and before Titanic, but always wanting to find out more on him, what little there might be found. Frederick Fleet has always been somebody that I have always had a lot of interest in and would love to find more out on his life before and after Titanic besides the general information that can be found. Thanks!

Thanks Dave, I will check that out. Do you know if it is possible to order copies of these? I live in the US, but don't know how easy or how hard obtaining some of these records are in other countries. Again, thanks for your help.

Well I don't know about ordering from the US, but if I ordered a certificate from here in the UK it would be about 10 GBP per certificate if the registry index number is known. If it is not known then the price triples as they have to do a broader search. Index numbers can be found on most ancestry websites or even freeBMD website. Certs are available from the GRO (General Registry Office)website.

It might be easier for you to pay someone over here to order them for you then send it on? Someone you trust though who won't run off with your cash!
Thanks Dave, I was possibly thinking that somebody out there on the board might have some copies available, but don't know? Guess maybe these wont be as easy as I thought to get. I agree, it would probably be best in that case to find a person in the UK who could get them and go from there, might be something that I will have to look into if I want these. Another thing I have been searching for is a actual newspaper obituary of Frederick Fleets, either from the New York times or the Southampton Echo, anybody out there have one of those?


I have one more week before I finish at work for the Christmas holidays. During the week prior to Christmas I am due to call at Southampton Reference Library as my own priority list demands me to do a lot digging elsewhere.

If you wish I can add your request onto my list and print off Fleet's obituary and arrange delivery directly to your home address in the U.S.

The choice is yours and your alone. Please inform.
Ordering a death certificate. I have the details Michael if you wish to place your order with the GRO based up in Lancashire. Very important you quote the references as I've submitted but the guild lines on the site in question are pretty straightforward and easy to follow.


Death -- Jan. Feb March 1965. Age 76.

District -- Southampton Vol. 6b. Page 857

Failing that I could offer my services and place the order on your behalf and pay out of my own pocket providing you are prepared to fulfill your side of the promise.
I can't see any point in going beyond the Death Certificate on titanic-titanic. A little of it is cut off, but all the essentials are there.

Obituaries from the Echo and the New York Times are on this site. He didn't make The Times in London.
Andrew and Dave G. First off, thank for both your replies and willing to help me. The obituaries that I want are actual clippings from the original newspapers, I know... probably not the easiest to find, but have been searching and just thought I would ask here on the board. Second, I assume getting the Birth Certificate must not be the easiest as I have just seen responses about the Death Certificate. If the cheapest way to go is to just print if off Titanic-Titanic then I guess I can just go that route, but if a birth certificate was involved I would be most curious to see how much the cost would be to get both of those. Again, thanks for all the help.

The New York Times obituary is online as a pdf, but it's not free.

The birth certificate might be hard, given the circumstances of his birth. Was his birth name Fleet?
I figured the birth certificate might be a little bit of a challenge. As far as I know and from what I have heard his birth name was Frederick Fleet. I even have seen where some place he had a middal initial of F. so I guess Frederick even had a middle name as well possibly that started with a F. and I would be curious to find out what that is. I believe his mother's name was Alice but not completely for sure on that. I am really interested in Frederick's life and would love to be able to learn more but as I mentioned in my earlier posts, you seem to just get the basic info that is online and then you hit a brick wall.

Re: Birth Certificate,


Birth: OCT-NOV-DEC 1887

District: West Derby, Lancashire, Vol.8b,Page 475

There was also quite a bit on Fred in Volume 17, issue 1, 1993 of the Titanic Commutator, including two good prints of the photos and letters he sent to Ed Kamuda. Any obituaries featured in the local papers would be held at Southampton Reference Library/ Special Collections. You can email them to get a quote or if it works out too expensive get someone local to print them off for you? I'm a Southampton man.
Also of interest to you may be his marriage cert:

Name: Frederick Fleet
Spouse Surname: Le Gros
Date of Registration: Apr-May-Jun 1917
Registration district: Southampton
Inferred County: Hampshire
Volume Number: 2c
Page Number: 4
Spouse: Eva Ernestine M. Le Gros

His daughter's birth cert:

Name: Dorothy Frederica Eva Fleet
Mother's Maiden Surname: Le Gros
Date of Registration: Oct-Nov-Dec 1918
Registration district: Southampton
Inferred County: Hampshire
Volume Number: 2c
Page Number: 109

Fred married Eva Le Gros on Jun 17 1917. She was a native of the Channel Islands. They had a daughter, Dorothy, Born Nov 28, 1918. She in turn married Michael Patrick Shanley in Southampton on Christmas eve, 1939. They had one son and one daughter, both still alive today I believe with children of their own. (Dorothy died 1979, her husband Michael died 1972). seller_who_was_first_to_see_the_iceberg/