Frederick Fleet

David, thanks so much for all your help and information. First off, I am kind of confused, I never remember or have ever even heard that Frederick Fleet even had kids, I didn't think he had any, deffintly new news for me. I do have that 1993 Commutator issue and that has some of the best info on Fred by far, very helpful! So correct me if I am wrong, but if I email the Southampton Reference Library is there a chance of getting original obituary copies from the papers, or would it deffintly have to be printed copies? Also, is there a website I can print this info off of or is there anyway of getting printed copies of the birth/marriage/daughters info/death certificates? Thanks

So'ton Library holds an archive of all of the local newspapers. They are stored on microfilm. Its just a case of loading the correct reel into the viewer which displays images of the actual newspaper pages. These can be printed off for a small fee of just a few pence. I will send you a PM.
I'm quite sure that Frederick is his name. Although, he'd never been given a middle name, I believe; no doubt due to the fact that he was abandoned at a young age. Do you have a link to where you saw it say 'James'?
I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm trying to find out where Frederick Fleet's wife Eva Ernestine May LeGros is buried. Is it in Southampton, or Holybrook with her husband? Any information would be greatly appreciated!
I'm hoping someone can help me. I'm trying to find out where Frederick Fleet's wife Eva Ernestine May LeGros is buried. Is it in Southampton, or Holybrook with her husband? Any information would be greatly appreciated!

If no one can answer your question, if you email your query to Southampton Bereavement Services, they will search their burial records and tell you where she is buried. They will need the name and approx date of burial and can supply a copy of the burial plot map if required. There is no fee for this service and from my experience they are very fast to reply.

[email protected]

Good Luck!

Frederick Fleet's Testimony

I have been inactive for quite some time but am looking forward to getting back on the website. Thanks much for the opportunity of getting re-instated.

In his testimony to the US Senate, Frederick Fleet keeps repeating that he does not how high he was ; he does not know how to estimate distances, etc. Would he have been this uninformed of these or was he was just being evasive ? It would seem these things would be part of the lookout's duty. This seems a bit curious, or was this really the case for most lookouts in those days ?
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He probably was being evasive to an extent, but a lookout who couldn't judge distance would not have been quite the liability that seems. His job was quite literally to keep a lookout over the path of the ship, then if he saw anything at all to signal the bridge by ringing a bell. The number of times the bell rang would give a rough idea of the bearing of the sighting, but it was up to the officers on watch to determine everything else.
It is more likely that he lied about it. When asked about how far away was his boat (No. 6) from the sinking ship he suddenly came up with a distance. Senator Smith of course noticed that and directly asked him why he suddenly can judge a distance he avoided that question by stating he heard the others in the boat talking about the distance (not true) and he could not judge distances.