I heard that this story is related to an interview given by a survivor after the ship sank.

The passenger related a story about this particular Mummy he'd heard while traveling on the ship. The journalist decided to 'spice up' his story a little bit by writing that the Mummy actually caused the accident...

This laid the seed of this ENTIRELY FICTIONAL story in the public imagination. Ever since that day, this rumour has followed the Titanic story around like a like a bad smell...

One last word, I heard that the British Natural History Museum still has the Mummy in question in it's vaults somewhere. I don't know whether this is true or not...
I belive I read about the mummy in ANTR by Walter Lord.According to him Egyptian records show that mummy was travelling on a ship ,to New York in April of 1912.For whatever that is worth.
This story seems to be one of the most enduring
and captivating legends around. Supposedly the
Princess of Amen-Ra lived some 1,500 years before Christ.

I have been told, by Titanic authorities, that the Princess and her connection with the Titanic are pure fiction which can be read in detail at

if the mummy was on board and william stead did know about it like the story says it fits why he is seen reading calmly in the smoking room like he knew it would happen,i also heard it was saved from the titanic only to be sent home on the lusitania,which i doubt it was even saved from the titanic if it was onboard,alot don't believe in the mummy story,i'm not sure if it is real but onboard carpathia passengers and crew started about the mummy and surely myths have to start somewhere.
Hello Kevin, everybody likes a good ghost story but to reiterate a point made quite often, there was no mummy on the Titanic. The museum had no problem "retreiving" the mummy because it never went anywhere to begin with.

For more, go to this URL; http://www.snopes2.com/horrors/ghosts/mummy.htm

This is from the Snopes Urban Legends website where the story itself is spelled out with the refutation following right below. Enjoy!

Michael H. Standart
My Mummy cursed me one time.
(But that's because I stole one of her favorite rings to give to my girlfriend who I intended to marry as soon as we finished 6th grade.)

Well, we all know <FONT COLOR="ff0000">strange things happen when The Mummy enters the scene...

Whats that noise???

BUT The "Enquirer" had an article, and made sense of the whole issue. The mummy was really a time traveling space alien disguised as Elvis... that briefly dated Big Foot... but was whisked away by a black helicopter flown by Bat Boy and is reportedly in a secret government lab run by Jimmy Hoffa.... WAIT... what's that noise outsi....