<groan> Not again.

Kevin, nobody has found "The Mummy" because there was no mummy on the Titanic to begin with. Go to This Entry on the snopes.com urban legends reference pages for the provenance of this tall tale and the reality.
Was there a mummy on the Titanic ? I read about it on the Metro... I also read in the same article that Yoko has sorted out her burial arrangements & is to be mummified and put into a real egyptian mummy case when the time comes. Anyway is all this true? I have never heard about the mummy on the Titanic ? Article said whoever moved the mummy would die. I will try and post a scan.
Hallo Miles -

No - there was no Egyptian mummy on the Titanic. This is one of the more notorious myths connected with the sinking.

Here are links where it has been discussed:


A search on the word 'mummy' will reveal many, many more. The site snopes.com even has a section debunking the story.
Hiya, i was recently reading an article about an Egyptian mummy that was making its way to America aboard the Titanic, it talked about a curse,i looked into it further and found that there was in fact an ancient Egyptian coffin lid aboard, i was just curious whether anyone had any further information on the subject and if in fact this was actually true and not just a myth?
Sorry, but there was no mummy, no curse, and if there was a coffin lid of any kind aboard, it never made it on the manifest. (I've seen it.) You might want to check out This Hotlink for the facts on this tale. The coffin lid that you mentioned was in the British Museum and is still there.