As long as Brendan Fraser steps in to save the day, I don't mind a dessicated corpse going on the rampage.

Will pop one block over to the British Museum to see if Mike can be found in the Egyptian Gallery, embalmed in aromatic oils and spices.
Great! One assignment from Phil and now one from youse guys. I've gone from the Galley to the Gallery. First, Cook is a cook, now he's cooked! From Cordon Bleu to Corpse Delecti, there's just no advancement around this place!
Brendan Fraser! Be still, my heart! Hey Inger, I have several pictures of him from PREMIERE Magazine (the first issue to promote Cameron's TITANIC film) dressed in less than he wore in GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE.

Where's my smelling salts?

Lol! I'll take John Hanna of 'The Mummy', 'Four Weddings and a Funeral' and some gritty Scottish detective series, Kyrila...nature has equipped me to fall more for the Sydney Carton types than the Indiana Jones/Alan Quartermaines.

One scene in the 'Mummy Returns' was shot right outside my window here in Bedford Square - after they come piling out of the Brit Museum and go careering about the London streets with the rather nimble (for dry flesh and bones) mummies crawling over the double decker bus. At least that's my excuse for watching the flick.

Phil? Do I rap myself over the knuckles for being so waywardly off-topic?
Kyrila - Erm no! He's actually closer to the dessicated corpse.
Inger, I think you are getting a bit excited now dear! Time for a lie down in a darkened room with a nice cup of tea and a Bath Oliver biscuit!
Don't bring Hind in on this one - he's the closest thing to a corpse I've seen yet!

>>Geoff, up in the Egyptian Gallery, embalms his Texas mate in 11 secret herbs and spices...<<

Huh???? What are you trying to cook here Inger? Kentucky Fried Mummy???

CRASH!!!!! (Tut-Tut kicks in my door.)

Awwwww....Crikey! Not that pest again! Where are my cats when I really need them?

Hi, Kyrila!

>That depends. . . does Behe resemble Adonis?

I was briefly considered for the leading role in the film "The Love God," but the director said that my three-legged pants just didn't match his image of the film's stalwart hero. :)

All my best,

Ta for that cold bucket of water there, Geoff - I'll work on not being transported in rapturous contemplation of either KFC (Kentucky Fried Cook) or poetry spouting actors who revive W H Auden (Stop all the clocks...)

~ Ing
Mr Behe tells us that he was considered for the leading role in "The Love God" - what he fails to mention is that he was also offered the lead role in "Lassie Come Home"! - The Love God my ****, is that Pat Behe I can hear screaming with laughter?
You'll be telling us next that Cook was offered the lead in "An American Gigilo"!!

Hallo Jeremy! Yes, that is a rather good debunking of the Mummy myth. It's a good idea to reference websites you cite, however - particularly when you're quoting such a lengthy section! - as this material is copyright. For those wondering, the passage Jeremy quotes is from the legenday site:
And since it is copyright, the post has to be removed from the public board...which I've already taken care of.

Sorry about that, but leaving it up like this could get the Editor and your friendly moderating team sued by the copyright holder.

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