Real Time Sinking With Interiors

It is a pain but on the bright side (if you haven't seen / use it already) Paul Lee might be able to help:

Thanks for that great info! But the pain is more of programming. Since the the boats are part of the ship in terms of what they are grouped too, evrey key frame/movement of the ship effects the boats. And as such i have to program the boats like 15 times over their lifetime to make sure they dont randomly go underwater or start capsizing:rolleyes:
Oh and the reason why i chose the num 1 funnel to fall to port is due to the sketchy evidence of it falling to starboard (and the logic of it) and due to the fact that Gracie was probably underwater at the time
Lifeboats are done, the stern and funnels. Im now programing splashes, smoke, steam ect. I was just wondering something, so we know when the steam started to vent then stop venting. But what time frame do you guys guess did funnel 1 & 2 stop sending smoke? and also when would it start to slow down venting smoke? i can program when the smoke start to die then die completely on the three funnels. Just give me a time frame then il do it
Main set of exterior lights are done and now doing interiors, just finished the reception room and forward D Deck

Exterior shots looks way too white for me but when i eye drop kens paintings or the 97 set this is what i get
Good thing this is virtual and not real, It looks like the handheld IMAX cameras used in Christopher Nolan's films and they were very heavy! :D

Hope it's all going to plan.
Most of the camera work is done and did a quick test of the reception room scene, looks great except the stupid auto brightness adjust feature was on during it even though i programmed it to be off:mad: (meaning the brightness is all messed up)
Il share some of it if anyone is interested