
Does anyone know who currently owns Sundowner? I've a friend who goes down there all the time, and would be interested in getting inside shots, if we can find out where to get permission.
Lee, she belongs to the East Kent Maritime Trust in Ramsgate. Phone is 01843 587765 Website is

I understand that you do have to make prior arrangements if you want to go on board her. How they feel about interior photos, I haven't heard. But I'd love to see some! Good luck!

Pat W.
Hello, all

I was just visiting the East Kent Maritime Trust's website, and saw this item at the end of Sundowner's biography:

"Sundowner is in need of a major refit, and donations would be most welcome."

Their email is
Snailmail goes to The Maritime Museum, Clock House, Pier Yard, Royal Harbour, Ramsgate, Kent CT11 8LS. They are a registered charity (No.288702)

Perhaps some of us could chip in a bit. Sundowner is the only C.H. Lightoller residence still standing, to the best of my knowledge. Considering the way Lights loved that boat, she deserves some attention from the worldwide Titanic community.

Pat W.
Sounds like a worthy cause, Pat - Soon as I sort myself out I'll send something along. Sundowner is a bit of maritime history we wouldn't want to lose.
Inger, I just received an email from Michael Cates of the East Kent Maritime Trust to the effect that he received one response, shortly after my first post went on the board. Let's keep up the good work, folks!

Pat W.
Come on, guys. Why the lack of interest so far? We're always talking about preserving the memory and stories of the people on board Titanic, and I think this is a perfect way to do so, especially because Lightoller loved the Sundowner so much.

Put your money where your mouth is. If everybody reading this contributed $5, think of the contributions they'd have! For the price of a single lunch at McDonald's, you can help make sure that the Sundowner is preserved for future genrations.

Don't you think it's worth it?

Eric Sauder
Thanks, Brian! That's five of us including the "mystery" donor. Anyone else want to step up to the plate and do the right thing to preserve a bit of history?

Eric Sauder
It's not a mystery, folks. I'm her (or she, I alway mix that up). It's just that I haven't found time since I heard to post here is all. Don't make a fuss over it (and, yes, I sent them an e-mail within a few hours of your first post - and what a perfect place to look for donors). Good show!
Thanks very much Rob and Phil! (And Lee for sending in the first donation!)

The museum is working on the best way for US residents to send money, and as soon as Pat or I have any information, we'll let you guys know.

I am the friend Lee talked about in the beginning and seeing as I finish my year at the start of July I am going to get in touch with them (again, am always in touch with them it seems, I spend my life in the Ramsgate museum when I'm up that way) and see if they'd take on a volunteer to help with any unskilled relatively easy tasks aboard her. (I've been wanting to for a while now anyway).
This ship is exceedingly dear to my heart, being based in the closest thing I have to a hometown.
She is a truly amazing ship and one I am almost obsessive about photographing
All my best
Pat - timing on this is interesting! Around the same time you posted this, a mate sent me information on a lead he has with strong connections to the Sundowner (and if that mate is reading this: I'll give you a phone as soon as I can - we need to have a few pints and catch up!). I'll let you know what the results are.

Good post, Eric - you're someone who knows about the need to preserve maritime heritage.

Great to see you posting again here, Hattie! He's been a while.