Cameron's Titanic Explorer

Is anyone running this program on a Mac? I just got an Imac G4, which comes with the newer version of QT, and I've had no trouble.

My tip: when you install this program on your hd, put the data folders from each disk (data1, data2, and data3)in the data folder on the hd. The program load faster, run smoother, and you don't need to have the CDs in the drive. I don't know if it works the same for Windows, though. Sorry!

I just got the JC's TE discs and I have a few questions that maybe someone can help with. I'[m sure you all feel a little the same about how to navigate them and I am working on that...but these are my questions for now...

1. How do you work the bookmarks and what are they actually for?

2. Why, under the passenger & Crew List, are there nothing but dots and names actually spelled out...even in the column of lifeboat # there are dots and dashes?

3. Why, when you click on a down arrow for more topic listings, does the list not stay up but disappears and whatever topic you were in starts over?

Thanks for the help.


>>3. Why, when you click on a down arrow for more topic listings, does the list not stay up but disappears and whatever topic you were in starts over? <<

I have found that you need to keep your mouse on the down menu and slowly drag it down to whatever item you want to see. The reason the subject starts over is because when you go into a menu, and the menu closes it automatically starts the video over.

I have learned with this program that you need to just experiment somewhat to get the feel of the program. Remember this is a Win95 based program and so the automated menus will run somewhat weird on a newer system. The technology was not as slick and seamless as it is now. I am running Win98SE and I get some totally different problems.

I have not gotten to the bookmarks yet, all I have worked with are the video images at the top of the screen. I have found that once I ran the program (all 3 disks) all the way through, it is more user friendly (can't figure out why).
Yeah, I noticed that I had to drag the pointer down the menu in order to keep it highlighted so I can view what is in the menu...I just thought I'd ask about it since I have never seen such a thing happen anywhere else.

But, basically, I discovered that I'm just going to have to play and experiment with the discs. I figure that the only thing that can happen is that I'll get lost somewhere in the discs and not remember how I got to a certain big deal...that's probably the fun of it too.
Another questions from me....I have the three discs for JC's Explorer...on one of the discs, there is topic that lists all the passengers and what class they were in...instead of names in the windows, I get rows of dashes and dots...a handful of these rows are underlined...anyone know why that is? Can anyone read names on their passenger list? I think it was on disc two. Other than that problem, everything else is fine.

It works like a charm with Windows XP! I did the transfer of data1 data2 and data3, no more crashes! I also recommend installing all three discs. Works perfectly. I only turned off the screen saver and used the lowest (largest screen coverage) screen resolution I could use.

on my new windows XP computer (gasp of admiration), I have just installed TE and unlike on my old primitive computer, the picture is totally useless! I have quicktime 6 (the latest one you can get for free!) but it still isnt very good can someone help me please?
Hi Jack,

Welcome aboard ET! I see from your e-mail address you are also a Star Trek fan. I'm sure you'll feel right at home on ET.

Regarding your problem with XP and Quicktime, I haven't actually used XP, so you might want to ask Tim Brandsoy which version of Quicktime he is using with his.

I wish I had a better answer for you!

>how do i do this on windows XP?

Are you referring to the Quicktime problem again, or putting the data files on the hard drive?

Best wishes,


Did you do a complete installation of all three discs?

You may have to turn off your screen saver and adjust your settings to a smaller size (larger screen area)
When I got my copy of Cameron's Titanic Explorer, I needed help getting it up and running and someone here gave me instructions. Now it runs beautifully.

This is what I did (I have Windows XP)...

I had to download the latest version of QuickTime 6.3 video player

Don't install the version that comes with the discs because the discs were designed to run on Windows 95. If you are using Win 98, ME or 2000 you will need the new version.

When you install the first disc, you will come to a part that wants you to install QT...cancel it. Install the QT 6.3 first.

XP will require rebooting. Then you will see a little Titanic icon on your desktop. Insert disc 1, click the little icon and enjoy.

Titanic Explorer will automatically start QT.
hi guys

ive encountred a problem

first, by sayng 'encountred'in this post and probably spelling it wrong, ive used up all my fancy english.

second, whenever i go to the QT site, i can only download something called iMusic, which being as i dont have a credit card aint alot of good 4 me. And when i go to instal TE, unlike on my old W 98 plus computer, onh my XP comp, it doesnt ask 4 my 2nd and 3rd disks.

please help me. sorry if im being a nuisance to you all

cheers :p

Jack K.

The original Bob Monkhouse
You're not a nuisance. I faced the same kind of problems when I got my discs but i got help here and eventually found my way.

First of all, the QT site is free so if you got to something where they want money, don't do anything. It's not the correct place.

Remember the use the windows installer program (QT is an apple-Mac program).

You don't need to put the discs in until after you install QT 6.3. Remember to reboot (and take out any discs if they are in for some reason). The program installer for TE is on disc 1. .

Is your auto-start turned on? If not, go to "start" and then hit "run". Find "install.exe" or something very similar. Then hit OK.

When you get QT installed and put a disc in, don't forget to click on the Titanic icon on your desktop (which shows up after you do the installation program on disc one). It's little weird navigating around but it is fun to explore.
Hi Deborah,

"Don't install the version that comes with the discs because the discs were designed to run on Windows 95. If you are using Win 98, ME or 2000 you will need the new version."

That's interesting that you mention that, since I have Windows 98. I installed the QuickTime version that came with the discs and it works fine. How's that for being stumped?!

Best regards,
