Lightoller at Dunkirk

The advantage of the film Dunkirk is that you get two films for the price of one.

Watch it normally and you have the heroic tale of the evacuation of the BEF.

Play it in reverse and you can pretend its D-Day.

Here is an interview with Charles Lightoller: BBC - Archive - WWII: Dunkirk Evacuation - Dunkirk: A Personal Perspective | CH Lightoller

I'm wondering about whether his accent or diction can be geographically identified? His early childhood was in Lancashire, northwest England, but he left for the sea at age 13. He bounced around after the Titanic disaster, so could have picked up (or lost) various accents. He retired in Surrey, southeast England. I don't know of any formal education beyond primary school, but he seems well spoken.

He has the verbal habit, at least in the interview, of ending each sentence with an implied question mark. Is that common for British?

I can more or less distinguish Scottish, English, and Australian accents - but after that, I'm adrift.
Just watched the Dunkirk film. Very powerful and dramatic. One of the key players in the film is Mr. Douglas who is similar in age to Lightoller and owns a very similar boat. We learn that Mr. Douglas has several sons and one of them was in the RAF and was killed soon after the war began. Lightoller also had several sons and one of them was in the RAF and was killed at the start of the war. I think the character was based on Lightoller and possibly for legal reasons they could not use his name. Throughout the film I kept thinking it was Lightoller. Many ships sink in the film and it certianly gives the audience an idea of how chaotic those events were.


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Given how the yacht in the film's posters is called "Moonstone" (with the moon / night being the opposite of Sun / Day) I would't mind betting on the idea of Mark Rylance being Lightoller.

I can't wait to see it and will see the film in an hour!

By the way, is it just me or does anyone else think Kenneth Branagh look like Lightoller around 1912?
Just seen Dunkirk and I want to give a brief Film Review:

SEE THIS FILM. In my opinion, this is the ultimate War film (and Horror film) constantly making me smile, gasp, and hide as the events played out. The music and the film is completely seamless and you never know what could happen next.

It's not for the faint hearted, but this film is absolutely perfect 10/10, 5 Stars 100% etc.

Also for anyone looking for anything Titanic related, look for a boat bearing a familiar name to a ship of the Olympic Class... :)
I very tempted to merge Hans Zimmer score from Dunkirk (2017) with that of Titanic (1997) just to see what may happen.

For anyone interested watch the Youtube Video "The Sinking of the RMS Titanic" by Nathan Walker (a fan edit with the Jack and Rose Plot cut out) and between about *12:08 and 14:38 Play Hans Zimmer's "The Mole" starting from 2:15 onwards at the same time. They sync up extremely well!

FOOTAGE 12:08 to 14:38

AUDIO 2:15 Onwards

(*Timing not exact and may vary.)
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