Richard C Elliott
I may have misunderstood you. I thought you were proposing providing a bell on the forecastle in the specific context of this voyage. (There was, in fact, a bell at the base of the foremast but I couldn't imagine relocating it somewhere in the stem at short notice.)I do not know how difficult it would have been to provide a bell once the Titanic set sail, but considering that they could provide a telephone link to the stemhead, I would have thought that a bell - not exactly an expensive bit of equipment - in that position could have been SOP, especially as it was occasionally used for an additional lookout.
You are actually proposing equipping liners in advance with the facilities for stationing a lookout in the stem on occasions when it might have some value in supplementing the normal arrangement. The SOP, however, would still place heavy reliance on the lookouts and would still be founded on a false belief in how far away they could sight danger in adverse conditions. Would that really be a helpful thing to do?
Let us suppose the Titanic had been so equipped, the stemhead lookout spotted the iceberg a little sooner than the crows nest lookouts and Murdoch was able to pull off an avoiding manoeuvre. Lives would have been saved on this occasion but the flawed SOP would remain in place waiting to claim future victims. The incident would probably have got very little publicity which might be a good thing because if it had it would have emphasised the critical role of the lookouts and indirectly created more reliance on the 'new, improved' lookout arrangements.
An accident like this was going to happen sooner or later as long as the fundamentally flawed SOP remained in place, and the SOP wasn't going to change until it did.
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