Cameron's Titanic Explorer

Hi Deborah,

The passenger list on my Titanic Explorer works great as well.

I installed the first disc, plus the QuickTime version that came with it and it works fine. It's very strange that you're having these problems, but hopefully you can get it to work properly.

Best regards,


I'd suggest printing out the README.TXT from Titanic Explorer, on page 8 it gives detailed instructions for a "Power User" Hard Disk Installation.

If you don't have separate folders for Disks 1, 2 and 3 you need to install them properly. BTW I stand corrected, you do NOT need to install all three disks, but you MUST copy the entire folder to your hard drive.

Since you are having some problems I'd start from scratch, uninstall TE (but not QT), defrag and start over. Mine installed easily when I followed the directions. I don't even have to turn off AOL, my screensaver or reset my display, it works so well. Do you know anyone locally who is a computer guru? Maybe they can walk you through it. You shouldn't have to hunt for files and other stuff, they should be installed and in their proper place. Moving stuff around can cause more trouble than it's worth!
I agree's weird that everything works very well but the passenger list....I do get the portion of the list where it says what class the person was a part of and I do get about half a dozen 1st class names...but the rest, who knows where they are.

Tim, you are probably right about uninstalling the TE and reinstalling it. I hate doing stuff like that cuz I am so afraid I will mess things up somewhere. I already know that I don't have to install each disc individually...computers are so weird.

Cameron's Titanic Explorer was originally written for Win95. The problem you are having is a 'installed fonts' problem. Win95 had preinstalled fonts for alot of things. WinXP Home edition has the fonts installed, but they are the updated fonts. The Cameron program probably does not recognize the XP font base. What you can do is install Adobe TypeManager (e-mail me, same deal as last time). This will install older versions of fonts and this should correct your problem without you having to de-install a bunch of stuff.

sorry i havnt replied in a while. whenever i click your link i can seem to find a button that says download sorry to be a bother but can you give me a total idiots guife plz?

You're clicking on the wrong one. Where it says "Download the free player" there are four choices:
1) Mac os X
2) Mac OS 8.6
3) Win 98/Me/2000/XP
4) Quick time and I TUNES for Win/2000/XP

The automatic selection is #4.....YOU NEED #3. You're not crazy or anything, it's easy to make the mistake, I did when I went to visit the site just now....not quite awake when I did!
i cliked on download quiktime and no. 3 as u said but i still get bloody iTunes! i hate this now, can someone write me a book 'Quicktime for Dummies'? oh wait it was already written? wheres my credit card? im so annoyed im going to sink your precious ship! wait.... i think theres a flaw in my plan

Take a deep breath and calm down. What is happening is when you go to download, the Quicktime site checks what operating system you are using and automatically defaults to the correct version. If you are using Windows XP then you are out of luck. Try this URL and see what happens: If this does not work, then install all of the Quicktime stuff then de-install the iTunes stuff.
the links dead susan. in other news the sequal to futility has progressed slightly
i now have qt 6.5 but the image is still fuzzy. the sound is much better and the lyp sync is now finally well in synch its just that people like lightholler and harold bride are making important speeches and turning into a painting by andy warhol!
Hi Everyone,

Can anybody tell me if the Game will work on Window's XP? I've looked at what the Game need's to run on, but it dosn't mention XP because the Game was out before XP was Invented. Some Help would be great.


Michael George.
It would run, because the system is invented so that it can play any game that can be played on previous editions of Windows. (Although the resolution may have a problem)

Games that I played 6 years ago still can work on my computer, which is Windows XP also.